Diabesity Cooking

In episode 7 of the Diabesity Documentary, Jonathan Bailor hosts a cooking class with Chef Dawn Ludwig, author of the book, “Always Simple.” In this fantastic episode, they show how easy it is to whip up delicious, setpoint-lowering meals your entire family will love.

Why do you need a cooking class geared explicitly toward ending diabesity? The main reason is that diet is one of the main factors in the development of diabesity. Eating a steady diet of starchy carbs, sugar, and heavily processed foods has been proven to elevate setpoint, a proven risk factor for diabesity.

Since a SANE diet is key to preventing or reversing diabesity, you’d think everyone would be eating this way. But that is not the case. Many people are content eating heavily processed foods and starchy carbs because it’s easier and quicker than making a meal from whole foods — they think. But did you know you can prepare many SANE meals in less than 20 minutes? It’s true. Jonathan and Chef Dawn demonstrate some of these recipes in the cooking class.

In an era where health consciousness seems to be on the rise, there’s a silent epidemic sweeping across the nation that’s affecting millions yet doesn’t always get the spotlight it deserves. This condition, known as “diabesity,” is the perilous blend of obesity and diabetes, two of the most prevalent health issues facing society today.

Cooking class to end diabesity

You see, eating SANEly does not involve many complicated menus. Recipes can be as complex or as easy as you want them to be. You have a choice of food. The SANE setpoint diet does not tell you to eat this particular food—and only this food—at this or that meal. Instead, you have many options from which to choose. Not many “diet” plans give you a choice, do they?

If SANE doesn’t tell you what to eat, how can you know the best thing to eat to lose weight and end diabesity? It’s easy, actually. All you need to remember are a few principles of SANE eating, which we’ll discuss shortly. In episode 8 of the Diabesity Docu-Series, you’ll also discover some creative and delicious SANE food swaps.

As you become more involved in the SANE program, you’ll be amazed and delighted to discover there are easy SANE swaps for every type of inSANE food, except for those heavily processed products. (We don’t call these “foods” for obvious reasons.) Jonathan and Chef Dawn discuss some of these SANE food swaps in the cooking class. It is fun and informative, and you don’t want to miss it!

Before discussing the recipes Jonathan and Chef Dawn show you how to prepare in the cooking class, let’s discuss diabesity and the SANE food principles that can end this terrible disease.

Understanding Diabesity

Diabesity occurs when obesity—a condition characterized by excessive body fat—leads to the development of type 2 diabetes, a chronic ailment in which the body fails to use insulin properly. This sinister duo creates a vicious cycle: obesity exacerbates insulin resistance, and as insulin resistance increases, the body’s struggle to manage blood sugar levels intensifies, paving the way for diabetes.

But why are obesity and diabetes so intertwined? The answer lies in our lifestyle choices and the environment. Sedentary habits, coupled with a diet high in processed foods and sugar, contribute significantly to weight gain and increased body fat. This, in turn, leads to elevated levels of inflammation and fatty acids in the bloodstream, which impair insulin’s effectiveness.

The implications of diabesity are far-reaching. Beyond the direct impacts of obesity and diabetes, such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure, diabesity can lead to a host of other complications. These include hypertension, liver disease, and an increased risk of certain cancers. Moreover, the psychological toll cannot be overlooked—those battling diabesity often face social stigma, depression, and a significantly diminished quality of life.

Addressing diabesity requires a multifaceted approach. While medical interventions can manage symptoms and complications, lifestyle changes are the cornerstone of battling this epidemic. A healthy and balanced diet rich in whole foods, regular physical activity, and weight management are critical steps in preventing and managing diabesity. Communities and health systems must also play their part, offering support, education, and resources to foster healthier living environments.

Understanding diabesity is the first step towards combating it. Sharing knowledge about this condition can inspire action within our circles and beyond. It’s about more than just raising awareness; it’s about creating a movement towards a healthier, more vibrant society. Whether through social media, community talks, or simply conversations with friends and family, every discussion about diabesity can be a seed for change.

So, let’s talk about diabesity. Let’s spread the word and empower ourselves and others to take control of our health. Together, we can turn the tide against this epidemic and pave the way for a brighter, healthier future.

The Roots of Diabesity: Unraveling the Causes

At the heart of the diabesity epidemic lie several key factors that interweave lifestyle, genetics, and environmental influences. Understanding these can illuminate why this condition has become a modern-day scourge.

Central to the development of diabesity is the concept of the setpoint weight—a theory suggesting that our bodies are programmed to maintain a certain weight range. When external factors such as poor diet and lack of exercise push our weight beyond this range, the body’s natural mechanisms, designed to regulate energy balance, are thrown off course. This disruption leads to increased fat storage and, over time, a higher setpoint weight. The body then defends this new, elevated weight as normal, making weight loss increasingly challenging.

A diet rich in processed foods and sugars is pivotal in this process. These foods cause blood sugar and insulin spikes, promoting fat storage and weight gain. As the body accumulates more fat, especially around the abdomen, insulin resistance sets in. Insulin resistance is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes and occurs when the body’s cells become less responsive to insulin’s efforts to shuttle glucose from the bloodstream into cells for energy. Consequently, blood sugar levels rise, setting the stage for diabetes.

Physical inactivity compounds these issues, further destabilizing the body’s glucose metabolism and contributing to weight gain and insulin resistance. Additionally, genetic predisposition and environmental factors, such as stress and poor sleep, can influence one’s risk of developing diabesity.

Essentially, the path to diabesity begins with lifestyle choices that shift the body’s setpoint weight upwards. This not only makes losing weight more challenging but also creates a metabolic environment ripe for diabetes. Recognizing these causes is crucial to reversing the tide and charting a course toward better health.

Winning the Fight Against Diabesity: 7 Dietary Strategies

Tackling diabesity requires more than just a fleeting commitment to healthier living; it necessitates a transformative lifestyle overhaul, particularly in our dietary habits. The food we consume is pivotal in determining our body’s setpoint weight and insulin sensitivity. By adopting a healthy diet through a series of strategic dietary changes — we can reset our body’s natural balance, paving the way for a life free from the clutches of diabesity.

Here are seven dietary strategies that are instrumental in this battle.

1. Prioritize High-Quality Proteins

Incorporating lean, high-quality proteins into every meal can help maintain muscle mass and promote satiety. Proteins such as chicken, turkey, fish, and plant-based options like legumes and tofu not only fuel the body with essential amino acids but also aid in regulating blood sugar levels, making them allies in the fight against diabesity.

2. Embrace Healthy Fats

Not all fats are created equal. Healthy fats found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil can help curb hunger, provide sustained energy, and support hormone balance. By including these in your diet, you’re not only enhancing flavor and satisfaction but also aiding your body’s natural fat-burning capabilities.

3. Load Up on Non-Starchy Vegetables

Vegetables are the cornerstone of any anti-diabesity diet. They’re low in calories yet rich in nutrients and fiber, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels and promote a feeling of fullness. Aim for a colorful array of vegetables at each meal to ensure you get a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals.

4. Choose Low-Fructose Fruits in Moderation

While fruits are nutritious, not all fruits are equal in the fight against diabesity. Opt for berries, cherries, and green apples, which are lower in fructose and won’t spike your blood sugar as much as other fruits. These choices provide the sweetness you crave, along with fiber and antioxidants, without derailing your health goals.

5. Eliminate Processed Foods

Processed foods are often laden with added sugars, unhealthy fats, and empty calories, contributing to weight gain and insulin resistance. By cutting out processed foods and focusing on whole, unprocessed options, you’re taking a significant step towards restoring your body’s natural health equilibrium.

6. Hydrate Wisely

Drinking plenty of water is essential for overall health and can help manage hunger and boost metabolism. Additionally, replacing sugary drinks with water or herbal teas can significantly reduce sugar intake and help maintain optimal hydration levels, which is crucial for metabolic processes.

7. Practice Mindful Eating

Eating healthy meals and paying attention to what you eat, how much you eat, and the pace at which you eat can have profound health benefits. Mindful eating encourages a more harmonious relationship with food, helping to prevent overeating and making you more aware of your body’s hunger and satiety signals.

By embracing these dietary strategies, you’re not just altering your eating habits but embarking on a journey to reclaim your health and vitality. Though challenging, these changes can lead to lasting improvements in weight management, blood sugar control, and overall well-being, offering a solid foundation in the quest to conquer diabesity.

Cooking class: putting it all together

In the cooking class, Jonathan and Chef Dawn show you how to make several SANE meals and variations of some, each taking less than 20 minutes to prepare. Chef Dawn has a talent for making yummy food that is simple to prepare. She uses smart substitutions to create diabesity defeating and setpoint-lowering versions of many favorite dishes.

Here are just a few foods Jonathan and Chef Dawn show you how to prepare in the cooking class.

  1. Diabesity Defeating Blueberry Waffles
  2.  Cheesy Smoked Salmon Mini Quiches
  3. Setpoint-Lowering Mashed “Potatoes” and Pasta
  4. Irresistible Vegetables

The way to make a setpoint-lowering, diabesity-ending meal is to include three non-starchy vegetables + 1 nutrient-dense protein + whole-food fat + 1 seasoning or SANE condiment. It really is that easy, and Jonathan and Chef Dawn show you exactly how to do that in this cooking class.

Next step: enjoy a diabesity cooking class with SANE

Ready to finally break free from the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster by balancing your hormones and lowering your body’s setpoint weight?

Want to know the exact foods and serving sizes scientifically proven by over 1,300 peer-reviewed research studies to boost metabolism, burn fat, and enjoy virtually effortless weight loss like a naturally thin person?

You can download the free SANE metabolism-boosting food list, cheat sheet, and “Eat More, Burn More” weight loss program by .






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