Reversing Diabetes with the Setpoint Diet

A cartoon image of a human body and all upper body organs with lines leading to the various symptoms of diabetes for each organ system. Text is described below.Reversing diabetes with the setpoint diet is crucial.  After all, diabetes is a growing epidemic with devastating health consequences.

Let’s look at some diabetes statistics…

According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. In 2015, 252,806 death certificates listed diabetes as an underlying or contributing cause of death.

However, a new study suggests diabetes may actually be the 3rd leading cause of death. Diabetes, researchers say, has long been an “underreported” cause of death. That’s because those with diabetes often have other health conditions, such as heart disease or high blood pressure. Whenever there is more than one cause of death listed on the death certificate, the decision to select diabetes as the primary cause is highly variable. If diabetes and heart disease are both listed on the death certificate, for instance, the primary cause of death is often attributed to heart disease rather than diabetes.


Explanatory Text

Main symptoms of diabetes

  • Central (brain): Polydipsia, Polyphagia, Lethargy, Stupor
  • Systemic: Weight Loss
  • Respiratory: Kussmaul breathing (hyperventilation)
  • Eyes: Blurred vision
  • Breath: Smell of acetone
  • Gastric: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
  • Urinary: Polyuria, Glycosuria

End Explanatory Text

Despite the rapidly growing diabetes epidemic and the hundreds of millions of lives ruined by this disease, government health officials and other “experts” have not been able to make much progress in reversing diabetes. And they’ve had plenty of time to prepare a solution. After all, this epidemic has been rapidly developing over the past 40 years.

According to the World Health Organization, the number of people with diabetes has quadrupled worldwide since 1980. Today, more than 400 million people globally suffer from diabetes. In America, more than 30 million people have diabetes, and more than 84 million have prediabetes. Though considered not as serious as diabetes, prediabetes increases the risk of many of the same health conditions as this disease. If not treated, prediabetes often turns into diabetes within 5-10 years.

The vast numbers of those with prediabetes threaten to make the diabetes epidemic much worse if experts don’t make reversing diabetes a top priority.

Why diabetes is so dangerous

Diabetes is a chronic condition in which your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Food provides you with energy in the form of blood glucose. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from the food enter your cells for use as fuel. Occasionally, your body cannot produce enough insulin or can’t use insulin effectively. As a result, glucose remains in your blood and does not reach your cells, which leads to elevated blood glucose levels.

Having too much glucose in your bloodstream can eventually cause many severe health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and neuralgia (nerve damage).

Types of Diabetes

There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 diabetes

In type 1 diabetes, the body’s immune system attacks cells that produce insulin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. As a result, those with type 1 must take insulin. Type 1 diabetes was once known as “juvenile diabetes” because it primarily occurred in children. However, many young adults are now being diagnosed with this disease.

Though there is no cure for type 1 diabetes, the setpoint diet can help you manage your blood sugar levels.

Type 1 diabetes risk factors

Risk factors for developing type 1 diabetes may include one or more of the following:

  • Family history: Having a parent or sibling with type 1 diabetes increases your risk of developing this disease by 2% to 6%. Without a family history, your risk of developing type 1 diabetes is only about 0.4%.
  • Presence of another autoimmune disease: Your risk of developing type 1 diabetes increases if you have another autoimmune disorder, such as celiac disease.
  • History of childhood viruses: Researchers have found a link between exposure to certain childhood viruses and the development of type 1 diabetes. These viruses include rubella, Epstein-Barr, and enteroviruses.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the pancreas either does not produce enough insulin to maintain a normal blood glucose level or the cells become resistant to insulin and will not absorb glucose.

It was once called adult-onset diabetes because it usually occurred only in adults. The name was changed to type 2 diabetes when increasing numbers of children and adolescents started developing this disease. This is the most common type of diabetes, and unlike type 1, it can often be treated and reversed with dietary and lifestyle modifications.

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Type 2 diabetes risk factors

Risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes may include one or more of the following:

  • Being overweight or obese: This is the number one risk factor for type 2 diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control reports that around 90% of those who are obese will eventually develop type 2 diabetes. This is because obesity and type 2 diabetes are interrelated in that they share the same underlying cause, namely, insulin resistance.
  • Fat distribution: Research shows if you store fat primarily in your waist and abdominal region, your chances of developing this disease are greater than if you store fat in your thighs or hips.
  • Inactivity: The less active you are, the more at risk you are for developing type 2 diabetes. Studies show physical activity helps burn off excess glucose, increases insulin sensitivity, and aids weight control. All of these factors have a direct impact on blood sugar control and diabetes.
  • Family history: Your risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases if you have a close family member, such as a sibling or parent, with this disease.
  • Age: The risk of type 2 diabetes increases with age. Most people develop this disease after the age of 45. However, an increasing number of children and teens are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, so age is not as much of a factor as it once was.

Health complications of diabetes

Diabetes is sometimes called the “silent killer” because symptoms are unnoticeable or even nonexistent, especially in the early stages of the disease. But uncontrolled blood glucose is dangerous and can negatively affect every major organ in the body.

Here are a few of the most common health complications of diabetes:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Abnormal cholesterol levels
  • Blindness
  • Amputations
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Kidney disease/failure
  • Neuropathy (nerve damage)
  • Gallbladder disease

How diet affects blood sugar levels and diabetes

Diet is the most important factor in blood glucose control. Your body breaks down and converts most of the carbohydrates you eat into glucose (sugar). Glucose is then absorbed into your bloodstream, making your blood glucose levels rise. Blood glucose usually reaches its peak an hour after a meal, but this can vary depending upon the type and amount of foods eaten.

Rising blood glucose levels signal your pancreas to secrete an adequate amount of the hormone insulin, which is needed to shuttle the excess glucose into cells for energy. Your cells cannot open to absorb glucose without insulin. Your blood glucose levels gradually start falling as insulin clears the excess from your bloodstream.

The key to controlling your blood sugar levels is to eat foods that cause a gradual rise in blood sugar levels. These foods include non-starchy vegetables, nutrient-dense proteins, and whole-food fats. Each of these foods has little to no effect on your blood sugar levels.

The fiber content of non-starchy vegetables, for instance, slows digestion. The body cannot digest fiber, but it spends a long time trying to do so, anyway. The body can still digest the non-fibrous part of the carb, but the digestive process for it, too, is slowed down. This ensures slow glucose absorption, causing a gradual rise in blood glucose levels.

How refined carbs affect blood sugar levels

If you eat refined carbs, such as a plate of pasta and a garlic roll, your body digests it quickly because there is no fiber to slow it down. Your blood gets a huge glucose dump, causing a spike in your blood sugar levels. The pancreas releases a large amount of insulin to deal with it. But because there is so much glucose for it to deal with, it takes most of it to your fat cells. You gain weight, increasing your risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

If you continue regularly eating foods that cause a spike in blood sugar levels, your pancreas has to work overtime to produce and release insulin. Eventually, the cells get so overwhelmed by all that insulin they become numb to it (insulin resistance) and no longer absorb it. This leads to type 2 diabetes.

Foods that make reversing diabetes impossible

Here are the four types of foods that negatively affect blood sugar levels. Regularly eating these types of foods makes reversing diabetes impossible.

  • Ultra-processed foods: These foods have been stripped of fiber and most of their nutrients. They are manufactured foods containing high amounts of added sugars, sodium, processed fats, and chemicals. A recent study showed more than 60% of the average American’s calories come from ultra-processed foods, which is probably one of the reasons diabetes has become such a huge epidemic in the United States.
  • Fast foods: Like ultra-processed foods, fast foods contain little fiber to slow glucose absorption. The result is blood sugar surges, leading to obesity and type 2 diabetes.
  • Sugars: Americans consume significantly more sugar than they should, most of it coming from ultra-processed foods. Studies show not only does overconsumption of sugar contribute to weight gain and obesity, but it also leads to diabetes.

Reversing diabetes by lowering setpoint weight

An image of tape measure and apple sitting on a bathroom scale.As being overweight or obese is the primary risk factor for type 2 diabetes, reversing diabetes can be as simple as lowering your setpoint weight with the setpoint diet.

Setpoint weight is the level of fat your body “thinks” you should have based on communication between your brain, digestive system, and hormones. If the communicative signals between them are clear, you will never become too fat or too thin. If you eat too much, you’ll simply burn more calories. Your body regulates your weight around your setpoint weight.

But if the system breaks down, these signals are murky. This hormonal clog keeps the hormones from sending and receiving the correct information, so the body doesn’t know how much fat you need. It gives you more fat just to be on the safe side. Your setpoint weight rises, and this becomes the new weight your body defends. It doesn’t matter how little you eat or how much you exercise, your body will try to keep you at your setpoint weight. You will lose weight on a starvation diet, but your body will make sure you gain it back — plus an additional 10 pounds.

The only way you’ll be able to maintain this weight loss is if you continue eating a low amount of calories. But even then, you’ll have to eat fewer and fewer calories with each subsequent year to maintain that weight. The only to lose weight long-term — and still enjoy eating a lot of delicious food — is to lower your setpoint weight with the setpoint diet. Your body will then work to keep you at that lower weight in the same way as it once worked to keep you at the higher one.

Once you lower your setpoint weight with the setpoint diet, reversing diabetes is a lot easier.

Reversing Diabetes with the Setpoint Diet

Reversing diabetes with the setpoint diet is enjoyable and easy to integrate into your life. There is no calorie counting or complicated food lists or menus to memorize on the setpoint diet. All you really need to remember is to eat whole foods high in water, fiber, and protein. These nutrients regulate your blood sugar levels, clear your hormonal clog, and lower your setpoint weight.

These nutrients are included in these 4 main food groups in the setpoint diet.

Non-starchy vegetables

10+ servings per day

Examples include:

  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Eggplant
  • Kale
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Spinach

Nutrient-dense proteins

3-5 servings per day, 30-55 grams per meal

Examples include:

  • Chicken
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Egg Whites
  • Grass-Fed Beef
  • Nonfat Greek Yogurt
  • Salmon

Whole-food fats

3-6 servings per day

  • Almonds
  • Chia Seeds
  • Coconut
  • Flax Seeds
  • Macadamias
  • Whole Eggs

Low-fructose fruits

0-3 servings per day

Examples include:

  • Blueberries
  • Goji Berries
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries

The setpoint diet focuses on whole foods, as these foods clear your hormonal clog and lower your setpoint weight. For best results, try to reduce or eliminate ultra-processed foods and foods with added sugars. Fortunately, that won’t be much of a problem because the foods on the setpoint diet are delicious. They are also very filling and will reduce your cravings for sugar and starchy carbs.

With the setpoint diet, you’ll not only effortlessly lose weight, but you’ll be able to better manage your blood sugar. How great is that?

Next step: Learn how the Setpoint Diet reverses diabetes 

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