SANE Solution and Program Testimonials

I realized that I needed to make a change in my life when I started feeling bloated and experienced stomach pains.  I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  

Since discovering SANE, my cholesterol has lowered, my self esteem has increased and I now feel good after eating.  And I love the smoothies!

The number one piece of advice I would give to someone just starting on their SANE journey is to just give it a go!

The major change in my life that prompted me to join SANE was realizing that other diets don’t work for me.  SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in that uses principles for healthy eating include vegetables, proteins and fats, as practical guidelines. This approach is healthy for me and I am constantly learning things.

The number one piece of advice that I would give someone who is just starting on their SANE journey is to apply the SANE principles in the simplest way possible.

I decided to take major action to change my life because my weight was gradually increasing and I didn’t want to end up being built like my mother.  It was then that I decided to join SANE.

My life is better since discovering SANE because I feel more positive about the foods that I’m eating.  Eating SANEly is different from anything else that I have tried in that there is a comprehensive variety of healthy foods.

The number one piece of advice that I would give someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to focus on the rewards they will get from eating healthy.

The “tipping point” that compelled me to take major action in my life was being diagnosed with diabetes. The idea of using the SANE approach seemed essential.

My life is better since discovering SANE; I have lost 5kg and have managed to keep it off even after visiting my sister’s inSANE environment.  I like that this approach doesn’t cause me stress and I also like the group support. It really produces a life-style change.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past in that there is enough filling food to eat and measuring is easy; I just measure by my hand. I can make progress without getting stressed out.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is not to get stressed!

I realized that I needed to make a change in my life after reading The Setpoint Diet; before that, I would lose weight only to gain it back again.  I then decided to join SANE.

Since discovering SANE, I no longer worry about what to eat because the program is simple to follow and the food is tasty and healthy.  I don’t worry about weighing myself; my clothes fit better and I am wearing things that I previously couldn’t fit into.

SANE is different from anything else that I’ve tried in that it makes sense when you think about how your body works.  Also, there is no focus on weight. Instead the focus is on healing and changing the setpoint. You don’t feel guilty when you are imperfect; you move on and don’t think about the past.

The number one piece of advice I would give someone who is just starting on their SANE journey is to enjoy the freedom and take it one day at a time.

I needed to lose weight and keep it off, so I realized that I needed to make a change in my life and join SANE.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past in that you can actually eat more.  My life is better now because I have learned that “eat more, lose more” works!

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting on their SANE journey is to just do it; you will love it.

Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer are all part of my family history so I joined SANE in order to avoid those illnesses and live a healthy life.

My life is better since discovering SANE because I eat more vegetables, I have very little sugar and I feel like I’m much healthier.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past in that there is not calorie counting so it’s less restrictive.  I really like the online community support and I also enjoy using the phone app.

The number one piece of advice that I would give someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to take it slowly and at your own pace.

I have diabetes and was eating clean but was still gaining weight.  It was then that I realized that I needed to make a major change in my life.

Now that I have discovered SANE, I have lost weight and my A1C levels are down to 5.7.  I am learning about foods that I never knew about previously and am finding new ways of preparing them.

Sane is different from anything else that I have tried in that it encourages you to eat more vegetables than I am used to eating.  

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to keep going; it took time to get where you are and it will take time to change.

My sister has diabetes and memory issues and then I started losing my memory;  I then decided that I needed to make a change in my life and get healthier.

Since joining SANE, I have lost 20 lbs, my memory has improved, I am sleeping better, and I now have a sense of hope.  I feel like I am 30 again!

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past in that I never feel hungry, I get support from the SANE team and from the community group.  The program is a lifetime change.  

I now have a renewed confidence in myself and will pass this on to my daughter.  I will be recommending SANE to my friends and family.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to be patient and believe in yourself.  The program works if you put in the effort.

I have had an ongoing problem with weight that was not going away with other programs, so I decided to make a change in my life and join SANE.

My life is better since discovering SANE because of the support that I get from members in the Communication Forum, and journaling has helped me stay in contact with others.  There is also continued education about foods.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in that you don’t have to exercise as much and I have learned the importance of eating vegetables.  Also, the counselling is good because I have always had to do it on my own.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just beginning their SANE journey is to buy the book and read it.  Watch the lessons every day and learn about the program. Don’t give up if you get sick or sidetracked. Don’t get discouraged and if you do, know that there is support for you.

I realized that I needed to make a major change in my life after being laid up in bed for seven weeks due to a broken leg.  I saw pictures of myself and knew that person wasn’t me.  

My life is better since discovering SANE in that I sleep better, I have more energy and my clothing fits better.

The Community Forum makes SANE different from anything else that I have tried before.  Also, the program offers a different way of thinking and of not feeling deprived. I no longer crave foods like french fries; now when I eat one I notice the grease more than the fries.  And the weekly recipes make life so much easier.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to be patient and tolerant with yourself.. Don’t get down on yourself if you get off track and remember your only human.  We all make mistakes so move on because tomorrow is another day. 

The tipping point that made me realize that I need to make a change in my life was realizing that my weight was putting me at risk for several health issues.

My life is better since discovering SANE because I no longer have to count calories, and I have individualized coaching.  Also, my progress is supported; I am not expected to be perfect.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in that it allows me to go at my own pace.  Both online resources and individualized coaching are well organized; there is a proactive outreach to support me and help me along.  

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out in the SANE program is to clear your head of the ideas you learned from previous diet attempts because this approach is different.  Work with your coach toward your own personal goals.  

I realized that I needed to make a major change in my life after watching Jonathan’s Masterclass video.  I am getting older and have type 2 diabetes so I thought I should do something.

My life is better since discovering SANE because I am eating better, I no longer ache like I used to and I am sleeping better.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past because it is derived from scientific research from places like John Hopkins.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to do the step my step learning modules.  And after you have completed them, go back and review because you will be surprised at what you have forgotten. If you have questions, ask.

Thanks for asking about my life now versus before SANE. I have lost 34 lbs. and hope to lose 10 more. I am soon to be 79 years young and have a new start on life through your program.

By working with my SANE coach, I learned to eat in a way that burns up unwanted fat. Smoothies have become a necessary part of my life. Using natural ingredients and Garden in a Glass, I have left unwanted pounds behind. When eating out, my choices are healthy and the right amount.

The SANE Store provides baking goods and plenty of snack choices such as the peanut butter bites. I feel better and my attitude is brighter! My smile lets others know that I am doing well and I never miss an opportunity to tell others about SANE!

I was tired of yo-yo dieting and quick fixes that weren’t sustainable so I decided to go SANE. I am already feeling better since having removed the processed foods from my diet, not to mention my energy levels are higher and the ‘brain fog’ is lifting!

I chose SANE because, I love that I don’t have to cut out any food groups, no counting calories and no more worrying about portion sizes. 

My one piece of advice to someone just starting on their SANE journey: Take it slow. Remember, it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. You’re making a lasting change for the better!

I realized I needed to make a change in my life when my health started to deteriorate. I love the products that are offered in the SANE Store. They are not only healthy, but taste good too!

What makes SANE different than other things I’ve tried in the past? SANE has great customer service and they are always getting new products into the store. SANE also…works! 

The one piece of advice I can give someone just starting their SANE journey is to give it time, have faith and believe… you are worth it!

I knew when I had to start taking medication for blood pressure and cholesterol that I needed to make a change in my life. 

Since starting with SANE, I don’t feel hungry, I don’t worry about food as much as I did with other diets and I feel stronger. I love that I don’t have to measure or weigh food, I get to exercise smarter and less often, and I have lots more energy!

A bit of advice for those just starting out on their SANE journey: trust the SANE plan! Eat lots of veggies and protein and you really will have no more cravings. 

Being diabetic and not being able to get my blood sugar numbers to go down, and seeing pictures of myself I knew I had to make some changes in my life. Since discovering SANE, my A1C has gone from 6.5 to 5.9! I’m seeing weight loss and am able to be more active. 

I love not having to count calories, worry about portion sizes or points. I don’t feel deprived and am eating better than what I use to! I no longer worry about being weighed in front of other people! 

My advice to those thinking about going SANE or just starting their SANE journey is to NOT stress about being SANE, it will all come together!

My weight was out of control. Over the course of 35 years I gained over 100 pounds. I knew I needed to make some changes in my life. Since discovering SANE, I now have healthy food prep ideas weekly, I have coaching to help me and I know I’m following a plan that is proven to work. 

I am more persistant with the SANE program than anything I’ve tried in the past. 

My one piece of advice to someone just starting their SANE journey is to be consistent. 

I had known for a while that I needed to make a change in my life, but I was in the middle of so much stress that it just wasn’t feasible. Once I got out on the other side of that I finally decided that now was the time to make a change but it had to be sustainable and work for ME.

Since discovering SANE my outlook on life has completely shifted from one of fear of disease and decline to one of excitement of things to come and looking forward to just getting better, stronger and healthier. For the first time in my life that I remember, food doesn’t control my thoughts and actions. I no longer have an almost uncontrollable drive to eat sugar / starchy foods. It’s an astounding and amazing experience for someone like me who has struggled with binge eating disorder my entire adult life. 

I still have days where I’m tired but my overall well being of living in my own body is better than it has been in so many years. I’m stronger, have less (hardly any) joint and muscle pain, my cardiovascular condition is SO much better and I can keep up with my busy life without feeling like I’m being run into the ground at the end of every single day.

My advice for those just starting SANE? Be patient, give yourself time to build new habits and never ever get down on yourself for not being “perfect”. You are worth the time, effort and cost of doing this food / exercise / life thing right once and for all!

I knew I needed to make a change when I started having stomach pains. Since finding SANE, I have more energy, am able to focus more, as well as lost weight!

I like that SANE’s program is 100% natural. If you are just starting out on your SANE journey, my advice is to be consistent. 

I knew I needed to make a change, but I needed a plan that I could implement incrementally and work at my own pace. Since discovering SANE, I have been able to control my sweet tooth without the horrible cravings and I feel a greater sense of control over over my life since SANE is not a rigid plan. I feel better than I have in quite a while!

I like that SANE is not rigid and restrictive. You can go at your own pace and there is so much education material available, not to mention the coaching support as well!

The advice I would give to someone just starting their SANE journey is, take your time and don’t put pressure on yourself. Take it one step at a time, whatever your pace!

Within two years, both my mother and father, passed away from complications of type II Diabetes. I knew it was time for me to make a change in my life.

 Since discovering SANE, I am already seeing improvements in my life. I take time to think about my food choices. I’m motivated by the live coaching calls and the support group has helped to change my life.

 What makes SANE different from anything I’ve tried in the past are the scientific facts, rather just opinion. The love and support I get from the group (coaches and other members is awesome.)

 The best advice I can give to someone just starting the program is to remember,  Progress Not Perfection!

When I could no longer keep up with my grandkids and discovered myself getting slower on the tennis court, I knew I had to make a change! Going SANE has made all the difference.  My joints no longer ache, I am eating LOTS of good food, plus my skin is soft and smooth.

Going SANE is like nothing I have tried in the past. I am now eating fat, even loving fat, and eating lots of food!  My advice to someone just starting on their SANE journey would be to get ready to enjoy food again and to embrace the wonders of good fats.

I knew I had to try something different because I was tired of dieting and still frustrated with being overweight.  SANE has significantly improved my life. I am not feeling deprived! I eat 10 or more non starchy veggies a day, nutrient dense protein, and whole food fats.  I am less tempted by high sugar sweets and am able to limit grains from my diet as well. Even when I eat out I feel empowered to ask questions about things on the menu and ask for substitutions if needed.

With SANE, there’s no tracking of points, calories, fats, etc. No meetings! The focus is on healing my body NOT what I weigh! I AM MORE THAN WHAT I WEIGH! The web community is realistic as well as supportive! THANK YOU! 

For everyone just starting their SANE journey remember: healing takes time. Give yourself the time you need to heal your body and make the changes!

I’d had a stroke in 2015 and was also diagnosed with Diabetes. I started feeling as if my life was on ‘fast forward’. I was quickly headed towards my declining years if I didn’t do something to slow it down.

I truly believe SANE is the answer to my prayers and that this program is helping me. I’ve never had so much hope and faith in a program that focuses on weight reduction while making me happier. I now believe I can accomplish other goals in my life.

SANE is definitely different from other programs because of Jonathan Bailor. He has thoroughly researched the subject and knows what he’s talking about. His excitement, added to his vast knowledge, helps you understand why he has a strong, sincere desire to help people. The SANE program provides the support needed to keep me going. I can see the faces of other people participating in the program, on the website and to me, that’s very encouraging. One of the best things about this program is that I’m not forced to deal with any embarrassing weigh-ins, in front of others. That’s something I’m definitely not comfortable with.

The recipes are exciting to prepare and don’t require any unusual ingredients like some programs. The foods needed to prepare a dish are just everyday items I can get at my local grocery store, so it’s not necessary to adjust my budget to follow this program.


If you’d like my advice, read, read, and read some more. Start smiling because you will be proud of yourself once you begin your journey. Remember, your journey is led by a man who cares deeply for us and has made your journey easy to achieve.

Several things had me thinking I needed to do something different than what I’d already done. Most importantly, after spending a night experiencing heart palpitations and gasping for breath, I called the doctor the next morning. I needed to take action.

Since becoming a member of SANE, I’m doing better. I now have a plan that guides me in a healthy direction. I’m exercising. The exercises are simple to follow and easy to do. What makes the SANE program different is when I fall off the wagon, it’s super easy to get back on and continue with the program.

If I were to give advice to anyone I would have to say; don’t act as though your kitchen is a cafeteria. Choose a dish that will make everyone you’re cooking for satisfied.

I work as a Background Actress in most of the films and television shows produced in New York City. There was a gala scene on BULL where I was featured wearing one of their gowns. It looked beautiful on me at the fitting, but somehow I misplaced my personal shaper. I had no choice but to wear the gown without it. My tummy only had pantyhose to hold it in. Everyone kept saying how breathtaking I looked, but when I looked in the mirror, I knew I had to make a change.

It was later that year when I began receiving SANE emails, it was perfect timing. One of your guys shared smoothie recipes and now I drink a smoothie, every morning. When I’m working, I do a lot of juicing too. Most importantly, the food is extremely healthy with an abundance of vegetables. I continue to do yoga and floor exercises.

I now have an abundance of energy, all the time. Some days, I have to be on set at 4:00 AM and most days are 12 to 16 hours long. Now, my sleep is better and deeper. When I’m not working, I rest. I am no longer endlessly tired like I was before joining SANE.

I feel amazing, even better than I did at 18 years old. Don’t tell the casting department, but I am 68 years old and they think I’m in my early 40’s. I love my life. I love my work. I love and totally appreciate SANE for entering my life.

Unlike all the others, SANE shares, cares, and gives positive information. There are very few items to purchase, but when you do need to buy something, it’s for the members own good and well worth it.

My best advice for someone just starting with SANE is: Be patient with yourself. Open your heart and your mind to being lead on a path to success.

For me, it wasn’t anything specific in my life that made me realize I needed to start doing things differently. I simply reached a point where I knew I needed to start eating better and taking better care of myself.

SANE has helped me to become more active and eat healthier. Since joining the program, I’m eating more vegetables, but I’m also paying closer attention to the different foods I’m eating. I’m making healthier decisions.

I believe the things that makes SANE different from anything else I’ve tried before is that the program is easy to understand and implement into my day to day life. Even better, I don’t feel as though I failed if I back-step a bit, and that’s important to me.

To anyone just starting their SANE journey, I would say, drink green smoothies! It’s a great way to get started on your own journey.

For many reasons, my health has always been a priority for me. The quality of SANE makes it so much easier for me to maintain a healthy diet and just feel great while living a full lifestyle.

 Traveling to Alaska frequently for work, mountaineering and climbing, makes finding fresh vegetables very challenging. Since I discovered SANE I’m able to enjoy the daily nutritional benefits by adding Garden In My Glass to my diet.

 Thank you Jonathan, for providing evidence-based information that has a significant impact on my overall energy and stamina. 

I realized that I needed to make a change in my life after being diagnosed with cancer and having a full hysterectomy.  When I recovered, I decided to make a change in my diet and start taking care of myself.  

SANE is the first program that I have tried and not given up on.  I have learned to eat healthier and I am more self confident. It is different from anything else that I have tried in that I never feel stressed or guilty; it’s very positive.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is that SANE is a balanced way of being healthy.

There wasn’t a specific event that compelled me to take major action.  I have always had a weight problem and was searching for a change. What appealed to me about SANE was that it was less about a quick fix and more of a life change.  I feel that SANE empowered me.

My life is better since discovering SANE in that I have never liked cooking but SANE has made it easier to follow the program with food preparation, recipes and grocery lists.

SANE is different from everything that I have tried in the past in that it is a lifetime process that has given me the confidence I need.  There is no pressure so I can relax and enjoy the program.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just embarking on their SANE journey would be to take advantage of the one and done savings offer, it’s worth it and it saves you money.

I have always struggled with my weight , but as I got older, I started to become concerned with how my weight affected my health.  Being more concerned with my health than how I looked was the tipping point that caused me to take major action.

My life is better since discovering SANE in that I am much more aware of healthy foods and  drink more water. Also, I have learned how to prepare food and eat at home more.

The fact that SANE is a lifetime way of eating makes it different from anything else that I have tried before.  I have more control over my eating habits and more energy than I have had with other programs.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to know that the program is a lifelong journey in a guilt-free zone.  

I’m getting older and started to realize that I’m not going to live forever.  After watching Jonathan’s seminar, I decided to join SANE so I could get my weight under control and live longer. 

My life is better since discovering SANE in that I know longer have sugar cravings so it’s much easier to resist temptation.  I can now drive by the Dairy Queen without even thinking about pulling in. It’s so much easier than any other program that I have been on.

The number one piece of advice that I would give someone who is just starting their SANE journey is to remember that it is the quality of the food you eat that affects your health, and not the quantity.  

I have tried every diet and failed; with some, I actually gained weight. I was on the Keto diet when I watched Jonathan’s seminar, it seemed so healthy and it made sense to me.

Since discovering SANE I have lost 6lbs and I feel better.  I just feel happier. Even my posture is better.

The one on one coaching that is included in the SANE program is really important to me. Knowing that I’m going to speak to my coach really helps keep me stay on track and is something that I have never had with any other program. 

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to just follow the program, eat vegetables, and drink water.  Do it because it works!

I was feeling less energetic and realized that my clothing size had doubled.  That’s when I knew that I needed to make a major change in my life.

My life is better since discovering SANE because of the support that I get from my coach.  That, along with eating healthier and having access to all of the recipes on the website make SANE different from anything else that I have tried in the past.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to follow the program to become a healthier you.

After a very long illness, my husband passed away in early February. I had been taking care of him and realized that I hadn’t been taking care of myself.  That was the major event that compelled me to take major action and lose weight.

My life is much better since discovering SANE in that I can actually eat much better food and enough of it so that I am not starving after dinner. And I am wearing smaller clothes! I am a lot happier now.

Sane is different from any other program I have tried before.   It is a long term solution for losing weight. I am almost 64 and it took me a while to put the weight on; diets that promote weight-loss in a few weeks cannot work. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to lose weight in a few weeks, and  I also knew I needed to cut the junk out. This is the only diet I have ever liked, and that I could ever stay with. I am actually happy to be on it.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to understand that the program is a lifestyle change and will help you for the rest of your life.

The “tipping point” that compelled me to take major action with regard to my health was having both my knees replaced, and then part of my feet removed due to diabetes.  After receiving health coverage to pay for things, I knew it was time for me to start my new SANE journey.

My life is much better since discovering SANE.  I am healthier, and more mobile; I like myself and am much happier.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past.  There is more focus on vegetables. And Jonathan explains the distinct difference between exercise and activities.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting their SANE journey is to start slowly and pace yourself.  Make small changes to your eating habits one step at a time. And remember not to be hard on yourself.

About 4-5 years ago I was going through a lot, physically, mentally and emotionally. On top of that, I was going through a divorce. One day I woke up and realized I needed to think and care about myself. I needed to make a change to a better and healthier me. 

My life has been better since discovering SANE.  I am more conscious of what I what I am putting into my body and I can feel it healing from the inside.  The meal planner is so convenient and takes the worry out of what to have for dinner.

SANE is different from anything else I have tried in the past in that I think of it as my platform to move at my own pace.  There is no pressure, no time limit. The program has great support: whether it’s coaching calls or in the community forum, there is always someone there for you when you need them.  There are no demands and there is no judgement; they listen and that really helps. 

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just embarking on their SANE journey is to relax and take it one step at a time. Let go of the pressures and work at your own pace. Take advantage of the support that is included in the program; SANE SSSs and coaches are there when you need them, with no judgment or pushing. 

I was trying to lose weight and nothing was working. After listening to the Master Class, I finally made up my mind and realized that I needed to make a major change in my life. 

My life is better since discovering sane because it has made me more aware of what I shop for and the food that I put into my body. Also, there is a great variety of foods from which to choose. Sane has given me the courage to try harder.

In other programs, I felt obligated and pressured to follow rules so I gave up.   Whereas with SANE the pressure is gone. I have healthy choices SANE never feels like a diet. 

While on one of the live coaching calls, Jonathan talked about the fact that due to the amount of food we are eating, you may not see any weight loss for some time after starting the program..  However, once your body gets used to eating healthy SANE food, you will start to notice the difference. I now know what he was talking about because for the first time in my life I’m seeing a number I haven’t seen in years. 

The advice that I would give someone who is just beginning their SANE journey is to make sure you learn the program by doing the Step by Step lessons.  Get to know and understand what it means to become SANE and stop the inSANE way of eating.

For the past 10 years I have been wanting to make a change in my life.  The event that finally made me make that change was listening to Jonathan’s webinar.

Since joining SANE, I see that I am making a long term change in my eating habits.  I no longer feel the pressure I used to from dieting because the program is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle change.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past in that it is scientifically based and proven and provides support from coaches.  The program is a healthy regime that includes both body and mind. It offers consistent encouragement and focuses on progress, not perfection.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting their SANE journey is to not hesitate, jump right into it and don’t look back.

There was a point when I became tired of being unhealthy and taking so much medication. . I saw what my mother went through with her mini stroke and I didn’t want that to happen to me  After watching Johnathan’s Master Class, I decided that SANE was something that would work for me. 

Since discovering SANE, I have more energy, I feel healthier and I look so much better.   I am finally able to swim distances that I have never swam before. People are surprised at how much weight that I’ve lost. 

SANE is different from any other program that I have tried in that it includes coaching calls which really help.  It also includes videos in the learning modules. I really like that I am able to do the program at my own pace. 

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting their SANE journey is to use the support in the communication forum, work with your coach, and utilize the learning modules.

Over the last 3 or 4 years I noticed that I was gaining weight in my tummy and hips I was not happy . I didn’t like buying bigger clothes and wanted to make a change so I joined the SANE program.

My life is better since discovering SANE in that I have learned what I should and should not eat.  And I see that others have been successful in the program and I know that I can too.

There are so many people out there claiming they know the best foods we should eat and the best way to get healthy and you get so confused you don’t know who to believe. When I listened to Jonathan I believed everything he said; he knew what he was talking about. The SANE program is different from other programs in that I don’t think of  it as a diet but a lifetime change. Also,I have noticed that compared to other products that I have tried, SANE supplements do what they say they will do.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just beginning their SANE journey is not to get down on yourself and remember that this is a lifetime change . Also, do the lessons in the Step By Step learning program.

After becoming frustrated with my appearance and how my clothes fit, I decided to make a major change in my life and join the SANE program.

SANE is about health and nutrition and is simpler than other programs that I have tried.  The tools and resources are great and the information is provided in simple, basic terms. I appreciate getting attention and support from the health of my coach.  Also, I love the progress vs perfection philosophy because it reminds us that nobody is perfect and enables us to focus on the main thing which is getting back on track.

I am very thankful for SANE and for Jonathan Bailor for looking at things with a much better perspective than other programs. I don’t think anything can go wrong with this program. If you follow another program to lose 10 lbs. in 10 days and gain it all back is more harmful than anything else.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting their SANE journey to to remember that the program is a means of establishing a healthy lifestyle.  If you want something that will give you results within the next 30 days, you won’t get that. SANE will help you get healthier in the long-term rather than giving you short-term results.

I realized that I needed to make a change in my life when I started feeling bloated and experienced stomach pains.  I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  

Since discovering SANE, my cholesterol has lowered, my self esteem has increased and I now feel good after eating.  And I love the smoothies!

The number one piece of advice I would give to someone just starting on their SANE journey is to just give it a go!

The major change in my life that prompted me to join SANE was realizing that other diets don’t work for me.  SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in that uses principles for healthy eating include vegetables, proteins and fats, as practical guidelines. This approach is healthy for me and I am constantly learning things.

The number one piece of advice that I would give someone who is just starting on their SANE journey is to apply the SANE principles in the simplest way possible.

I decided to take major action to change my life because my weight was gradually increasing and I didn’t want to end up being built like my mother.  It was then that I decided to join SANE.

My life is better since discovering SANE because I feel more positive about the foods that I’m eating.  Eating SANEly is different from anything else that I have tried in that there is a comprehensive variety of healthy foods.

The number one piece of advice that I would give someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to focus on the rewards they will get from eating healthy.

The “tipping point” that compelled me to take major action in my life was being diagnosed with diabetes. The idea of using the SANE approach seemed essential.

My life is better since discovering SANE; I have lost 5kg and have managed to keep it off even after visiting my sister’s inSANE environment.  I like that this approach doesn’t cause me stress and I also like the group support. It really produces a life-style change.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past in that there is enough filling food to eat and measuring is easy; I just measure by my hand. I can make progress without getting stressed out.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is not to get stressed!

I realized that I needed to make a change in my life after reading The Setpoint Diet; before that, I would lose weight only to gain it back again.  I then decided to join SANE.

Since discovering SANE, I no longer worry about what to eat because the program is simple to follow and the food is tasty and healthy.  I don’t worry about weighing myself; my clothes fit better and I am wearing things that I previously couldn’t fit into.

SANE is different from anything else that I’ve tried in that it makes sense when you think about how your body works.  Also, there is no focus on weight. Instead the focus is on healing and changing the setpoint. You don’t feel guilty when you are imperfect; you move on and don’t think about the past.

The number one piece of advice I would give someone who is just starting on their SANE journey is to enjoy the freedom and take it one day at a time.

I needed to lose weight and keep it off, so I realized that I needed to make a change in my life and join SANE.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past in that you can actually eat more.  My life is better now because I have learned that “eat more, lose more” works!

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting on their SANE journey is to just do it; you will love it.

Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer are all part of my family history so I joined SANE in order to avoid those illnesses and live a healthy life.

My life is better since discovering SANE because I eat more vegetables, I have very little sugar and I feel like I’m much healthier.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past in that there is not calorie counting so it’s less restrictive.  I really like the online community support and I also enjoy using the phone app.

The number one piece of advice that I would give someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to take it slowly and at your own pace.

I have diabetes and was eating clean but was still gaining weight.  It was then that I realized that I needed to make a major change in my life.

Now that I have discovered SANE, I have lost weight and my A1C levels are down to 5.7.  I am learning about foods that I never knew about previously and am finding new ways of preparing them.

Sane is different from anything else that I have tried in that it encourages you to eat more vegetables than I am used to eating.  

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to keep going; it took time to get where you are and it will take time to change.

My sister has diabetes and memory issues and then I started losing my memory;  I then decided that I needed to make a change in my life and get healthier.

Since joining SANE, I have lost 20 lbs, my memory has improved, I am sleeping better, and I now have a sense of hope.  I feel like I am 30 again!

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past in that I never feel hungry, I get support from the SANE team and from the community group.  The program is a lifetime change.  

I now have a renewed confidence in myself and will pass this on to my daughter.  I will be recommending SANE to my friends and family.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to be patient and believe in yourself.  The program works if you put in the effort.

I have had an ongoing problem with weight that was not going away with other programs, so I decided to make a change in my life and join SANE.

My life is better since discovering SANE because of the support that I get from members in the Communication Forum, and journaling has helped me stay in contact with others.  There is also continued education about foods.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in that you don’t have to exercise as much and I have learned the importance of eating vegetables.  Also, the counselling is good because I have always had to do it on my own.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just beginning their SANE journey is to buy the book and read it.  Watch the lessons every day and learn about the program. Don’t give up if you get sick or sidetracked. Don’t get discouraged and if you do, know that there is support for you.

I realized that I needed to make a major change in my life after being laid up in bed for seven weeks due to a broken leg.  I saw pictures of myself and knew that person wasn’t me.  

My life is better since discovering SANE in that I sleep better, I have more energy and my clothing fits better.

The Community Forum makes SANE different from anything else that I have tried before.  Also, the program offers a different way of thinking and of not feeling deprived. I no longer crave foods like french fries; now when I eat one I notice the grease more than the fries.  And the weekly recipes make life so much easier.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to be patient and tolerant with yourself.. Don’t get down on yourself if you get off track and remember your only human.  We all make mistakes so move on because tomorrow is another day. 

The tipping point that made me realize that I need to make a change in my life was realizing that my weight was putting me at risk for several health issues.

My life is better since discovering SANE because I no longer have to count calories, and I have individualized coaching.  Also, my progress is supported; I am not expected to be perfect.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in that it allows me to go at my own pace.  Both online resources and individualized coaching are well organized; there is a proactive outreach to support me and help me along.  

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out in the SANE program is to clear your head of the ideas you learned from previous diet attempts because this approach is different.  Work with your coach toward your own personal goals.  

I realized that I needed to make a major change in my life after watching Jonathan’s Masterclass video.  I am getting older and have type 2 diabetes so I thought I should do something.

My life is better since discovering SANE because I am eating better, I no longer ache like I used to and I am sleeping better.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past because it is derived from scientific research from places like John Hopkins.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to do the step my step learning modules.  And after you have completed them, go back and review because you will be surprised at what you have forgotten. If you have questions, ask.

Thanks for asking about my life now versus before SANE. I have lost 34 lbs. and hope to lose 10 more. I am soon to be 79 years young and have a new start on life through your program.

By working with my SANE coach, I learned to eat in a way that burns up unwanted fat. Smoothies have become a necessary part of my life. Using natural ingredients and Garden in a Glass, I have left unwanted pounds behind. When eating out, my choices are healthy and the right amount.

The SANE Store provides baking goods and plenty of snack choices such as the peanut butter bites. I feel better and my attitude is brighter! My smile lets others know that I am doing well and I never miss an opportunity to tell others about SANE!

I was tired of yo-yo dieting and quick fixes that weren’t sustainable so I decided to go SANE. I am already feeling better since having removed the processed foods from my diet, not to mention my energy levels are higher and the ‘brain fog’ is lifting!

I chose SANE because, I love that I don’t have to cut out any food groups, no counting calories and no more worrying about portion sizes. 

My one piece of advice to someone just starting on their SANE journey: Take it slow. Remember, it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. You’re making a lasting change for the better!

I realized I needed to make a change in my life when my health started to deteriorate. I love the products that are offered in the SANE Store. They are not only healthy, but taste good too!

What makes SANE different than other things I’ve tried in the past? SANE has great customer service and they are always getting new products into the store. SANE also…works! 

The one piece of advice I can give someone just starting their SANE journey is to give it time, have faith and believe… you are worth it!

I knew when I had to start taking medication for blood pressure and cholesterol that I needed to make a change in my life. 

Since starting with SANE, I don’t feel hungry, I don’t worry about food as much as I did with other diets and I feel stronger. I love that I don’t have to measure or weigh food, I get to exercise smarter and less often, and I have lots more energy!

A bit of advice for those just starting out on their SANE journey: trust the SANE plan! Eat lots of veggies and protein and you really will have no more cravings. 

Being diabetic and not being able to get my blood sugar numbers to go down, and seeing pictures of myself I knew I had to make some changes in my life. Since discovering SANE, my A1C has gone from 6.5 to 5.9! I’m seeing weight loss and am able to be more active. 

I love not having to count calories, worry about portion sizes or points. I don’t feel deprived and am eating better than what I use to! I no longer worry about being weighed in front of other people! 

My advice to those thinking about going SANE or just starting their SANE journey is to NOT stress about being SANE, it will all come together!

My weight was out of control. Over the course of 35 years I gained over 100 pounds. I knew I needed to make some changes in my life. Since discovering SANE, I now have healthy food prep ideas weekly, I have coaching to help me and I know I’m following a plan that is proven to work. 

I am more persistant with the SANE program than anything I’ve tried in the past. 

My one piece of advice to someone just starting their SANE journey is to be consistent. 

I had known for a while that I needed to make a change in my life, but I was in the middle of so much stress that it just wasn’t feasible. Once I got out on the other side of that I finally decided that now was the time to make a change but it had to be sustainable and work for ME.

Since discovering SANE my outlook on life has completely shifted from one of fear of disease and decline to one of excitement of things to come and looking forward to just getting better, stronger and healthier. For the first time in my life that I remember, food doesn’t control my thoughts and actions. I no longer have an almost uncontrollable drive to eat sugar / starchy foods. It’s an astounding and amazing experience for someone like me who has struggled with binge eating disorder my entire adult life. 

I still have days where I’m tired but my overall well being of living in my own body is better than it has been in so many years. I’m stronger, have less (hardly any) joint and muscle pain, my cardiovascular condition is SO much better and I can keep up with my busy life without feeling like I’m being run into the ground at the end of every single day.

My advice for those just starting SANE? Be patient, give yourself time to build new habits and never ever get down on yourself for not being “perfect”. You are worth the time, effort and cost of doing this food / exercise / life thing right once and for all!

I knew I needed to make a change when I started having stomach pains. Since finding SANE, I have more energy, am able to focus more, as well as lost weight!

I like that SANE’s program is 100% natural. If you are just starting out on your SANE journey, my advice is to be consistent. 

I knew I needed to make a change, but I needed a plan that I could implement incrementally and work at my own pace. Since discovering SANE, I have been able to control my sweet tooth without the horrible cravings and I feel a greater sense of control over over my life since SANE is not a rigid plan. I feel better than I have in quite a while!

I like that SANE is not rigid and restrictive. You can go at your own pace and there is so much education material available, not to mention the coaching support as well!

The advice I would give to someone just starting their SANE journey is, take your time and don’t put pressure on yourself. Take it one step at a time, whatever your pace!

Within two years, both my mother and father, passed away from complications of type II Diabetes. I knew it was time for me to make a change in my life.

 Since discovering SANE, I am already seeing improvements in my life. I take time to think about my food choices. I’m motivated by the live coaching calls and the support group has helped to change my life.

 What makes SANE different from anything I’ve tried in the past are the scientific facts, rather just opinion. The love and support I get from the group (coaches and other members is awesome.)

 The best advice I can give to someone just starting the program is to remember,  Progress Not Perfection!

When I could no longer keep up with my grandkids and discovered myself getting slower on the tennis court, I knew I had to make a change! Going SANE has made all the difference.  My joints no longer ache, I am eating LOTS of good food, plus my skin is soft and smooth.

Going SANE is like nothing I have tried in the past. I am now eating fat, even loving fat, and eating lots of food!  My advice to someone just starting on their SANE journey would be to get ready to enjoy food again and to embrace the wonders of good fats.

I knew I had to try something different because I was tired of dieting and still frustrated with being overweight.  SANE has significantly improved my life. I am not feeling deprived! I eat 10 or more non starchy veggies a day, nutrient dense protein, and whole food fats.  I am less tempted by high sugar sweets and am able to limit grains from my diet as well. Even when I eat out I feel empowered to ask questions about things on the menu and ask for substitutions if needed.

With SANE, there’s no tracking of points, calories, fats, etc. No meetings! The focus is on healing my body NOT what I weigh! I AM MORE THAN WHAT I WEIGH! The web community is realistic as well as supportive! THANK YOU! 

For everyone just starting their SANE journey remember: healing takes time. Give yourself the time you need to heal your body and make the changes!

I’d had a stroke in 2015 and was also diagnosed with Diabetes. I started feeling as if my life was on ‘fast forward’. I was quickly headed towards my declining years if I didn’t do something to slow it down.

I truly believe SANE is the answer to my prayers and that this program is helping me. I’ve never had so much hope and faith in a program that focuses on weight reduction while making me happier. I now believe I can accomplish other goals in my life.

SANE is definitely different from other programs because of Jonathan Bailor. He has thoroughly researched the subject and knows what he’s talking about. His excitement, added to his vast knowledge, helps you understand why he has a strong, sincere desire to help people. The SANE program provides the support needed to keep me going. I can see the faces of other people participating in the program, on the website and to me, that’s very encouraging. One of the best things about this program is that I’m not forced to deal with any embarrassing weigh-ins, in front of others. That’s something I’m definitely not comfortable with.

The recipes are exciting to prepare and don’t require any unusual ingredients like some programs. The foods needed to prepare a dish are just everyday items I can get at my local grocery store, so it’s not necessary to adjust my budget to follow this program.


If you’d like my advice, read, read, and read some more. Start smiling because you will be proud of yourself once you begin your journey. Remember, your journey is led by a man who cares deeply for us and has made your journey easy to achieve.

Several things had me thinking I needed to do something different than what I’d already done. Most importantly, after spending a night experiencing heart palpitations and gasping for breath, I called the doctor the next morning. I needed to take action.

Since becoming a member of SANE, I’m doing better. I now have a plan that guides me in a healthy direction. I’m exercising. The exercises are simple to follow and easy to do. What makes the SANE program different is when I fall off the wagon, it’s super easy to get back on and continue with the program.

If I were to give advice to anyone I would have to say; don’t act as though your kitchen is a cafeteria. Choose a dish that will make everyone you’re cooking for satisfied.

I work as a Background Actress in most of the films and television shows produced in New York City. There was a gala scene on BULL where I was featured wearing one of their gowns. It looked beautiful on me at the fitting, but somehow I misplaced my personal shaper. I had no choice but to wear the gown without it. My tummy only had pantyhose to hold it in. Everyone kept saying how breathtaking I looked, but when I looked in the mirror, I knew I had to make a change.

It was later that year when I began receiving SANE emails, it was perfect timing. One of your guys shared smoothie recipes and now I drink a smoothie, every morning. When I’m working, I do a lot of juicing too. Most importantly, the food is extremely healthy with an abundance of vegetables. I continue to do yoga and floor exercises.

I now have an abundance of energy, all the time. Some days, I have to be on set at 4:00 AM and most days are 12 to 16 hours long. Now, my sleep is better and deeper. When I’m not working, I rest. I am no longer endlessly tired like I was before joining SANE.

I feel amazing, even better than I did at 18 years old. Don’t tell the casting department, but I am 68 years old and they think I’m in my early 40’s. I love my life. I love my work. I love and totally appreciate SANE for entering my life.

Unlike all the others, SANE shares, cares, and gives positive information. There are very few items to purchase, but when you do need to buy something, it’s for the members own good and well worth it.

My best advice for someone just starting with SANE is: Be patient with yourself. Open your heart and your mind to being lead on a path to success.

For me, it wasn’t anything specific in my life that made me realize I needed to start doing things differently. I simply reached a point where I knew I needed to start eating better and taking better care of myself.

SANE has helped me to become more active and eat healthier. Since joining the program, I’m eating more vegetables, but I’m also paying closer attention to the different foods I’m eating. I’m making healthier decisions.

I believe the things that makes SANE different from anything else I’ve tried before is that the program is easy to understand and implement into my day to day life. Even better, I don’t feel as though I failed if I back-step a bit, and that’s important to me.

To anyone just starting their SANE journey, I would say, drink green smoothies! It’s a great way to get started on your own journey.

For many reasons, my health has always been a priority for me. The quality of SANE makes it so much easier for me to maintain a healthy diet and just feel great while living a full lifestyle.

 Traveling to Alaska frequently for work, mountaineering and climbing, makes finding fresh vegetables very challenging. Since I discovered SANE I’m able to enjoy the daily nutritional benefits by adding Garden In My Glass to my diet.

 Thank you Jonathan, for providing evidence-based information that has a significant impact on my overall energy and stamina. 

I realized that I needed to make a change in my life after being diagnosed with cancer and having a full hysterectomy.  When I recovered, I decided to make a change in my diet and start taking care of myself.  

SANE is the first program that I have tried and not given up on.  I have learned to eat healthier and I am more self confident. It is different from anything else that I have tried in that I never feel stressed or guilty; it’s very positive.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is that SANE is a balanced way of being healthy.

There wasn’t a specific event that compelled me to take major action.  I have always had a weight problem and was searching for a change. What appealed to me about SANE was that it was less about a quick fix and more of a life change.  I feel that SANE empowered me.

My life is better since discovering SANE in that I have never liked cooking but SANE has made it easier to follow the program with food preparation, recipes and grocery lists.

SANE is different from everything that I have tried in the past in that it is a lifetime process that has given me the confidence I need.  There is no pressure so I can relax and enjoy the program.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just embarking on their SANE journey would be to take advantage of the one and done savings offer, it’s worth it and it saves you money.

I have always struggled with my weight , but as I got older, I started to become concerned with how my weight affected my health.  Being more concerned with my health than how I looked was the tipping point that caused me to take major action.

My life is better since discovering SANE in that I am much more aware of healthy foods and  drink more water. Also, I have learned how to prepare food and eat at home more.

The fact that SANE is a lifetime way of eating makes it different from anything else that I have tried before.  I have more control over my eating habits and more energy than I have had with other programs.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to know that the program is a lifelong journey in a guilt-free zone.  

I’m getting older and started to realize that I’m not going to live forever.  After watching Jonathan’s seminar, I decided to join SANE so I could get my weight under control and live longer. 

My life is better since discovering SANE in that I know longer have sugar cravings so it’s much easier to resist temptation.  I can now drive by the Dairy Queen without even thinking about pulling in. It’s so much easier than any other program that I have been on.

The number one piece of advice that I would give someone who is just starting their SANE journey is to remember that it is the quality of the food you eat that affects your health, and not the quantity.  

I have tried every diet and failed; with some, I actually gained weight. I was on the Keto diet when I watched Jonathan’s seminar, it seemed so healthy and it made sense to me.

Since discovering SANE I have lost 6lbs and I feel better.  I just feel happier. Even my posture is better.

The one on one coaching that is included in the SANE program is really important to me. Knowing that I’m going to speak to my coach really helps keep me stay on track and is something that I have never had with any other program. 

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to just follow the program, eat vegetables, and drink water.  Do it because it works!

I was feeling less energetic and realized that my clothing size had doubled.  That’s when I knew that I needed to make a major change in my life.

My life is better since discovering SANE because of the support that I get from my coach.  That, along with eating healthier and having access to all of the recipes on the website make SANE different from anything else that I have tried in the past.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to follow the program to become a healthier you.

After a very long illness, my husband passed away in early February. I had been taking care of him and realized that I hadn’t been taking care of myself.  That was the major event that compelled me to take major action and lose weight.

My life is much better since discovering SANE in that I can actually eat much better food and enough of it so that I am not starving after dinner. And I am wearing smaller clothes! I am a lot happier now.

Sane is different from any other program I have tried before.   It is a long term solution for losing weight. I am almost 64 and it took me a while to put the weight on; diets that promote weight-loss in a few weeks cannot work. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to lose weight in a few weeks, and  I also knew I needed to cut the junk out. This is the only diet I have ever liked, and that I could ever stay with. I am actually happy to be on it.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting out on their SANE journey is to understand that the program is a lifestyle change and will help you for the rest of your life.

The “tipping point” that compelled me to take major action with regard to my health was having both my knees replaced, and then part of my feet removed due to diabetes.  After receiving health coverage to pay for things, I knew it was time for me to start my new SANE journey.

My life is much better since discovering SANE.  I am healthier, and more mobile; I like myself and am much happier.

SANE is different from anything else that I have tried in the past.  There is more focus on vegetables. And Jonathan explains the distinct difference between exercise and activities.

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just starting their SANE journey is to start slowly and pace yourself.  Make small changes to your eating habits one step at a time. And remember not to be hard on yourself.

About 4-5 years ago I was going through a lot, physically, mentally and emotionally. On top of that, I was going through a divorce. One day I woke up and realized I needed to think and care about myself. I needed to make a change to a better and healthier me. 

My life has been better since discovering SANE.  I am more conscious of what I what I am putting into my body and I can feel it healing from the inside.  The meal planner is so convenient and takes the worry out of what to have for dinner.

SANE is different from anything else I have tried in the past in that I think of it as my platform to move at my own pace.  There is no pressure, no time limit. The program has great support: whether it’s coaching calls or in the community forum, there is always someone there for you when you need them.  There are no demands and there is no judgement; they listen and that really helps. 

The number one piece of advice that I would offer someone who is just embarking on their SANE journey is to relax and take it one step at a time. Let go of the pressures and work at your own pace. Take advantage of the support that is included in the program; SANE SSSs and coaches are there when you need them, with no judgment or pushing.