Tried Weight Watchers? Watched The Weight Return?
First, please forgive yourself. You ARE NOT flawed. The tools you've been given are flawed. Studies show that conventional calorie counting programs fail LONG-TERM for 19 out of 20 people because STARVATION ISN'T SUSTAINABLE. Here’s how your SANE Premium Plan is different from conventional calorie counting plans…and why that different approach will empower you to achieve a different LONG-TERM result!
Six Tips To Find Your Perfect Plan
Slim CAN Become Simple with the Right Fit

Do you believe in the same things this company believes in?

Do you know if this is the type of company you want to be a part of?

Do you know the total cost of the plan once everything is added up?

Do you know if the program fits into your unique schedule long term?

Do you want short-term weight loss or long-term fat loss?

Do you know what this program offers you that other programs can't?
Calorie Counting (i.e Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig)
Conventional calories-in-calories-out programs are rooted in the fifty-year-old theory that weight gain is caused by a lack of willpower. These programs revolve around calorie-counting tools, low-calorie processed packaged food, and in-person meetings that help you try harder to eat less and to tolerate hunger. They often lead to short-term weight loss, but studies show that 95% of the time, that is followed by yo-yo dieting, and often, an unhealthy relationship with food (aka the perception that food is bad and should therefore be avoided). In sum: Put anything you'd like into your body, just not more than 1,200 calories of it. We can help.
Multinational publically traded corporations founded over 30 years ago. Most of their business comes from in person meetings and selling their processed and packaged diet "foods." Until 2013, Jenny Craig was owned by candy, pizza, cookie, and ice cream maker Nestle. Weight Watchers was bought by Unilever the same day Unilever bought the Ben & Jerry's ice cream company.
$19/day (due to a focus on eating their processed packaged foods)
If you have the time, childcare, transportation, etc. to attend frequent two-hour group counselling sessions, if you prefer processed packaged food, and if you don't mind feeling hungry as long as you can eat anything you'd like...just not more than 1,200 calories of it, these plans may be for you.
The less you eat, the more weight you lose. As long as you are able to consume 1,200 calories or less, you may keep the weight off. Studies show that 19 out of 20 people who use calorie-counting approaches will yo-yo diet and end up worse off than before they started.
Paid celebrity endorsements. Created in the 1960s. In-person meetings. Available in many languages. Massive: Consumers spent ~$5 billion on Weight Watchers branded products in 2013.

SANE Solution
Rooted in the modern science that fat gain and diabetes are NOT caused by character flaws. They are caused processed low-quality foods breaking your brain, hormones, and gut. Revolves around the idea that the most affordable, enjoyable, and sustainable approach to fat loss and heath is eating so much SANE whole food, that you are too full for low-quality obesity- and diabetes-causing processed packaged food. Provides online tools, resources, coaching, and support, to help you eat more—smarter—as easily as possible. In sum: Eat so much SANE whole food, that it's easy to avoid eating things that make you fat and sick. We can help.
Originated as a not-for-profit research project to explain why some people eat 6,000 calories per day and stay slim while others eat 1,200 calories per day and struggle with their weight. After a 10+ year analysis of more than 1,300 studies, a SANE video went viral. That led to a NYTimes bestseller, endorsements from to MDs at Harvard, Mayo Clinic, Johns’ Hopkins, etc., and then SANE Solution. Read More
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If you don't have time to attend in-person meetings, if you prefer whole foods to processed packaged foods, and if you prefer to eat an unlimited amount of SANE foods to eating 1,200 calories of anything, this plan may be for you.
The more SANE whole foods you eat, the more fat you burn and the better you feel. As long as you are able to eat an unlimited quantity of SANE whole foods, you will stay slim and vibrant. Studies show 19 out of 20 people who enjoy a more SANE whole-food lifestyle burn fat and boost health.
Endorsed by top Ivy League Doctors. Based off the largest scientific analysis of fat loss and health ever conducted. Patent-pending SANE Score technology. New York Times bestselling books.