Read the Fat Burning Breakfast Transcript
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Here are our top tips for a fat burning breakfast that melts away fat – fast. Consuming the wrong foods right at breakfast can exponentially skyrocket your cravings and set you up for failure before the day even starts!
Fat burning meals when you’re able to prep and consume them while getting your day started like, cleaning out email addresses and all of that fun admin work is always great.
Have you ever considered sweet potatoes as a morning meal? Or perhaps smoked salmon? Today, we’ll help you find more information on everything from avocado toast to making sure you don’t skip breakfast and maintain happy level blood sugars!
Let’s dive straight into it with a quick list of fat burning breakfast starters:
- Peanut Butter (healthy Fats)
- Almond Butter
- Protein Powder
- Perhaps starting your day with nut butter won’t do it but high in protein foods is a sure fire way to get a weight loss breakfast right
- Fiber rich foods that combat high sugar levels and leave you feeling full
April: Hey, everybody. It’s April Perry and Jonathan Bailor back with another episode of the SANE Show. Hi, Jonathan.
Jonathan: Hey, what’s going April? How are you doing today?
April: You know what, I’ve had a little bit of a crazy morning so I’m so excited to talk about how to save time in the kitchen. I need to give you like a quick overview of what happened to me this morning because honestly like I couldn’t make this up if I tried.
We had two boys who got home from like a father son weekend, got in really, really late last night, like midnight. I was trying to get them up early, get them ready for school. But one of my sons needed a bunch of paper signed and he has a flour sack baby for Home Economics that he had to return today but the legs are falling off so we had to get like a hammer and nails and like hammer the legs back on to the flower baby while I’m trying to make lunches for all the kids and help my daughters take me to take our car and to get work done so they really have to follow me over to hurry her back to school. It was just like we were just spinning in circles. It’s so funny.
I just thought like I didn’t even had breakfast yet because seriously I’ve been going nonstop for the past three hours. It was just like crazy because everything needed to happen and I was tired so I didn’t get up early to eat.
I want to know how to save time in the kitchen. I’ve actually been brainstorming a few ideas that I know that I could put into place but I would love to hear from you. do you want to start out here?
Jonathan: Absolutely. Here is a funny thing about how my brain works. The thing that I took away from the story you just told me is, look we found a useful way to use wheat flower. You should just make it into flower, don’t put it in your body, use it exclusively for flower babies.
April: Do you know the teachers had to email every parent and say, “Your child earns a 100 points for getting the flower baby home safe because otherwise the kids just destroy them all over the neighborhood so all these home economics teenagers are just throwing flower all over and it was not funny. Thanks for the flowers app baby. Yes, I had to carry it around and take care of it. Good use for the flower. I agree.
Jonathan: As also, what you said April here that in terms of having just chaos and needing to be able to have food ready, I think that is, like we could make this show three minutes long and like end right now. The premise is you have to have food ready before you need it, period.
You get me, like we need food figure it out now.
April: No.
Jonathan: We got to figure out when we need food. It’s almost like money, right. If you want to have money saved up so that when you need it you got it, you almost need the same thing with food. We’ve got to prep food beforehand so we have it when we need it.
April: Yes, I grabbed some sugar snack piece because they were just ready and washed and ready in the fridge. I grabbed some of that but then I just thought well I’m not super hungry. I can wait and eat once we’re done recording but the easier things to grab would have been like a granola bar or something else random that’s just quick and easy and sitting in the pantry. But I don’t want to eat that so I didn’t. I’m actually fine. I didn’t need to eat right at the second. But you’re right. If I don’t have it planned then that microwavable chicken pot pie looks really good because you’re just thinking well it’s quick and it’s food and I just need to satisfy my hunger.
Jonathan: I think for a lot of people breakfast is the hardest. If people can wrap their heads around I eat leftovers for lunch, I eat leftovers for dinners, I cook in bulk but breakfast is without question it’s the carnation instant breakfast. It’s the toaster pastries. It’s the grab a bar and go. I think it’s make a lot of sense for us to focus on how do we cook in bulk, how do we pre-prep stuff for breakfast.
Specifically, let me give you one silly— well, not silly example, but one example that’s just new for me. I’m learning new stuff every day. My wife and I recently took a cruise to celebrate ten years together.
It’s a very fantastic experience and one thing we discovered in the cruise was Frittatas. I know we certainly had a lot of recipes for Frittata in the same program but I personally never made a Frittata or eaten a Frittata and SANE Frittata are just egg dishes with a lot of yummy stuff in it with no crust. We just focus on the healthy non-starchy vegetables within some of the protein or healthful fats with the eggs.
And, you know what is super easy to cook in bulk? Frittatas.
April: Really?
Jonathan: You take a tremendous amount of eggs. You go via 60 packs of eggs from Costco. Just take all those eggs, crack them all up. You can make it a fun family event. Just all crack a bunch of eggs, put it in a big old bowl. Here’s just that people are like what do I add, and it’s oh, it can be complicated. Look. Here is a simple thing we do.
Do a bunch of eggs, crack them, put them in a dish, then we take a bag of frozen stir fried vegetables from Costco. Pull that it, add some seasoning. Put it in baking dishes. Bake them, freeze them. Pre-portion, cut them up. You’ve got ready to go Frittata anytime you want it.
April: I love that. What kind of baking dishes do you use because that’s the kind of stuff I need to do? It’s like buy bowls and containers and we’ll talk about this some more but what…
Jonathan: Just Pyrex baking dishes so the glass baking dishes. You could use the thinner baking dishes if you wanted more of a crispy Frittata or you can have thicker ones if you want the thicker one.
April: I love that.
Jonathan: But yes, it’s even like with eggs most people myself included would never think how do we pre-prep eggs? That doesn’t make any sense. But you can and you can absolutely have them pre-portioned out of a little rectangular container. It’s just like you would for anything else and you can pre-blend your smoothies and that’s beautiful.
April: I love that. A question though about egg whites because I was at like Sam’s club the other day. You know, they have the big 60 thing of eggs which I did buy but they also had egg whites in a little cartons. Are those okay?
Jonathan: They are a wonderful source of nutrients, that’s protein. So remember we are after to look, SANE eating is like paint by numbers. So you’re like where do I get my non-starch vegetables, where do I get my nutrients that’s protein, or where do I get my whole food fats, and egg is a whole food fats.
So, hypothetically if you are looking to eat a complete SANE breakfast which is a good idea, you’d eat non-starch vegetables, nutrients, that’s protein and whole food fats. So if all you did was took eggs and vegetables and mix them together you might not get enough protein. So what you might do in that context is either one, add some meat or sea food to the frittata or egg dish or you would use a blend of whole eggs so what you might do, this is what we do, because I don’t add additional meat or sea foods in my frittata. I could though, actually combo enough some salmon would be delicious in the frittata. This we take a bunch of eggs and then we take a carton or two of egg whites. Then, we mix them together just so that a serving of frittata will give us about 30 grams of protein as well as vegetables, as well as whole food fats.
April: Okay. I guess my question was like if I make the egg whites myself via separating, is that the same as buying a carton, like is there anything they add to the carton of egg whites?
Jonathan: Usually the carton is going to be pasteurized and the reason that matters is because here is a really important distinction. One of the other things that I do for breakfast to pre-prep is I have a little bit of a SANE granola that you can even blend to smoothies. The protein that I add to that personally is pasteurized egg whites because you don’t want to break the raw egg whites into a smoothies. You want to cook actual egg whites but the kinds you buy in containers are pasteurized so they’re safety raw.
April: Okay. Now, that’s super helpful because it takes me a lot of time to separate eggs. So that’s like something to take a few minutes a day and I realized anything that even takes one minute a day that’s several hours a year. So if you can cut down a couple of minutes, that’s a big deal.
Okay, so I love the idea of mixing egg whites with whole eggs and this frittata idea, I think my family might don’t even get bored with that. So we’re going to try it. You know how it goes.
Jonathan: It’s very delicious and it’s very easy to customize. I think just like with omelette like how many different kinds of omelettes can you make? What do you have in your fridge? Let’s keep it simple. Let’s say what vegetables do I have right now? Cut out some asparagus, put some spinach in there. Put some mushrooms in there. Do you have some leftover chicken from last night, cube that up, mix it up. I mean, there’s really no…there’s no limit. This sounds a little bit silly. I’ll give another example is we’ve talked a lot about drinking green tea.
Green tea applies to breakfast because a lot of people like to have a little bit of caffeine in the morning. It’s green tea or coffee. We talked about drinking a significant amount of green tea you get the benefits of eight to ten bags of green tea per day and people say, “Oh, my goodness. How do I drink eight to ten cups, glasses, of green tea? That’s so much liquid?”
Well, who’s to say that you have to put only one bag of green tea in an eight once cup of liquid? Couldn’t you put six bags of green tea? The point with that is I would encourage us to– what we’ve been taught about eating and exercise clearly hasn’t worked, period. So like literally everything is up for questioning, all assumptions can be questioned.
So like putting one bag of green tea in eight ounces of water, that is an assumption. Who says we can’t put four bags of green tea in eight ounces of water? Who says we can’t cut up chicken or salmon and mix it with our eggs? Like these are things we can do and just because we haven’t done it in the past doesn’t mean we can’t do it in the future.
April: Yes. I think that’s been so great for me with SANE is that I never thought about eating celery for breakfast or tomatoes. I would just think well, oatmeal, and maybe some fruit and you just don’t think about eating vegetables. But SANE helped me realized, wait, this is actually a different way of thinking.
One thing I think you just say is so our family took our dream trip to Israel last month. The first day we got there, we stayed at this little hostel and they said, “We have breakfast in the morning.” I said, “Oh, what do you have for breakfast?” They said, “We just have like eggs and salad.” I’m like, “What? Eggs and salad for breakfast?”
We got there the next morning and they have this awesome dish called shakshuka and it’s almost like hard boiled eggs cooked inside a lot of tomatoes and lots of vegetables that are in there. It’s amazing. I loved it. And then I had chopped up bell peppers and chopped up cucumbers. My whole family was laughing. Then, I was like, “Mom, this is your dream, right, at SANE breakfast at Israel.” I’m so excited because in that culture it was very normal to have salads and the tuna and cottage cheese and humus. It was just a whole different scenario than what you would see in States if you go to a breakfast buffet at a hotel which is most likely muffins and oatmeals and pancakes and waffles and stuff like that.
So I was pretty excited and I think that it’s exciting to think, wow, you really can just change the rules because what we learned culturally really isn’t how it needs to be.
Jonathan: Especially in America, if you don’t choose and if you don’t question these assumptions this is like the reason we think of breakfast cereals as breakfast food is because there’s a billion dollar marketing ad campaign to make us think that. It’s not because like grandma’s, grandma’s, grandma eat lucky charms. That’s not the case. So it’s not even that this is what worked in the past. It’s purely just like the idea, the concept that all breakfast food is an invented concept like this is a breakfast food.
Honestly, April, I think that is really really important because a lot when we look at health and fitness and it seems complicated, sometimes it seems complicated because there are artificial constraints.
Let me give you an example. If we think we can only eat breakfast foods for our breakfast that makes breakfast harder but like we don’t have to think that. We can free ourselves from that instantly if we choose to.
April: Totally. Well, and then Eric and I we’ll do the business meeting with another some friends who run our business together and we were buying breakfast to eat and I buy a big bag of broccoli and salmon to have every morning for breakfast. My friends have been was like, are you seriously eating salmon every morning for breakfast? I was, “Sure, why not? I think it’s great.”
So, it was delicious. I love waking up and having salmon each morning because, I don’t know, salmon is really good. But I think that that’s what’s so exciting is that you can’t change the rules and find things that you do enjoy but that are quick. But I do have a kind of a logistic question for you, we’re about to move. Our family’s to be moving to a new home and I am going to have a second refrigerator that I can put extra same food, I told my family like, “I want a fridge just for me.” Not just for me but like for the same food preparation because it’s been too hard to try to cram all my stuff into the fridge. But I’m having a hard time with containers. I think that’s my biggest stress because if for example I went to a conference and I prep like six cans of tuna with some Greek yogurts and dill and chopped vegetables. I made this tuna containers. And, it was great. I loved having these containers.
But I feel like for me to spend a lot of time on a Saturday and bulk prepare a lot of food. I feel like I need so many containers and the whole logistics of where you store them, how you wash them, where you prep them, moving them around, it feels like almost it’s much work as just making the meal everyday myself. I just have them bulk preparing I have been doing it as I go because of my container problems. I would love to hear what your suggestions are especially as you think about adding on to a family not just one or two people.
Jonathan: Two things that had been very, very helpful for us and while we only have two people in our house I would argue that we eat as much food as a normal family of five.
April: I see you guys eat. I would agree. You guys were awesome.
Jonathan: This is not like I’m not associated with this brand. It’s just and it’s what they sell at Costco. Well, it’s been very effective for me. There’s a brand of things called Snapware. It’s very cost effective. You know, like a 20 piece set at Costco for 15 bucks. I mean, it breaks down over time, it’s fine. But the reason it’s very useful is they are all of the same size. So all the lids are interchangeable. You can stack them, you can nest them.
I mean, I bet– and the lids have a rubber seal on them so there’s a decent seal taking place there which is very important. For me, at least, being able to have a– you’d be used to not have this, so we used to have 18 different pieces of Tupperware like things, all of which only had one lid that works with them.
April: And then they were falling all over the pantry.
Jonathan: Yes. Whereas if you have– think of it like those Russian nesting bowls. If you can just nest containers within each other so you’ve got a big 32 ounce container and you nest those then you nest 16 ounce containers on top of them and you nest these things, you can really take up a very very little space. But you need to have a consistent sizing for your Tupperware like containers. We use a brand called Snapware and we’ve just bought three sets of them from Costco and three of sets in total it’s less than 50 bucks.
April: Okay. And then, as far as washing them, do you hand wash? Do you do from the dishwasher?
Jonathan: Dishwasher.
April: Dishwasher. Okay, I felt like, seriously that’s been my main stress. But, hey, tell me smoothies too because any smoothies containers I have totally turned green and are really hard to clean. What do you do about that?
Jonathan: I currently I used to use— so we also use, we reduce, re-use and recycle so we do use old Greek yogurt containers as well so cottage cheese containers because they are all of the same size.
April: Do you thrown them out?
Jonathan: You can.
April: It’s like they’re so hard to clean. Are yours not hard to clean? Maybe I’m not running my sponge at a time.
Jonathan: No. So we used to use— we’ve also now started using mason jars when we’re not travelling because storing things in glass is useful. Mason jars I got mine from Walmart.com. You can get a pack of 12 for like literally $10 and they’ll ship to you for free. Walmart.com is a crazy– they’re trying to compete with Amazon and they’re doing ridiculous stuff. So it’s a really good thing.
I think maybe our definition of what is clean might be different. There is a little bit of film that built up over time. However, so I would probably not use this to serve drinks to guests. However, I don’t hand wash anything ever unless guests are coming over and the dishwasher does a fine job.
April: Okay. No, I think that makes sense. I like the Mason jar idea. Actually my friend, Chris, who you met when you and Grace came to visit he said he has this mason jar where he set and bulk prepare his smoothies and it just does a great job. He takes like two a day or something with these big Mason jar. It is awesome. I really I want to really do more about with that and help my kid. I think my kids can be a more helpful. I’ve been actually looking into a lot of different smoothie opportunities because I have a friend, super cute, she’s like she makes a bunch in advance and she’ll have smoothies prepared. Then, she just has a rule for her family. You just need to drink a smoothie one time a day. You can do it for breakfast, you can get lunch, you can get dinner, but this is what you need to start drinking.
And, her teenagers now actually want them and are going and asking for them. So that’s what I need to get to, we are not quite there but that’s where I want to get to.
Jonathan: One also thing that’s helped me, April, that we’ve never talked about on this show is I have a list of chores, a lot of which involves food preparation that I just have in my kitchen. While I have them in my kitchen, I also purchased a noise cancelling headset for my phone. Literally, anytime I’m talking on the phone I am preparing food in my kitchen.
April: Really? Okay.
Jonathan: Because it’s just a habit for me, and it’s fine. Sometimes people would joke that they can hear me chopping in the background but there is– I would encourage us to– people say multitasking is a myth and that is a misunderstanding of the science. You have two systems so right now I am standing up and I am moving my arms and I’m speaking. So I’m actually doing three things, and my heart is pumping. So, a lot of things are happening simultaneously.
What you can do simultaneously and you can do things that are habitual. Then, you can only do one thing that is not habitual. So if the conversation I’m engaged in like I am engaged to with you right now requires conscious deliberate thought, that’s the one conscious deliberate thing I can do. But if peeling carrots doesn’t, I can talk to you and peel carrots at the same time and it will not impact my ability to talk to you.
April: How about whenever we record the SANE show, we’ll just like prep vegetables at the same and demonstrating. It’s so funny. You know, I love it you brought that up because I’ve talked to you before about how when I’m in the kitchen with my children that’s when they talk to me and that’s when they open up.
I could logistically be in the kitchen from two p.m. to eight p.m. and have someone in there rotating in and out with me the whole time talking. Now, I don’t do that, we have a little break so we could do other things and that. But anytime I go in the kitchen it’s like a magnet for the family because kids want to talk and they want to be with you. I love the idea of having a list. Can you give me of like a sneak peek on what’s on your list? I have a general idea but what kinds of things are you talking about? Like, chopping what, preparing what, what are you doing?
Jonathan: Let’s be specific about breakfast. So for example I will be cracking eggs and mixing them up. This might sound a little bit silly but like let’s think about 60 eggs in a container for Costco versus having eggs cracked and mixed up and in a container that you can just pour directly into a pan. That makes a difference.
So you can even like, so you want to take something from being in the package to being ready to do whatever you want to do with it.
So, if it’s carrots you would wash them and peel them. If they’re eggs, you would crack them, mix them up and put them in a container.
April: Brussel sprouts, I cut off the ends and chop those up.
Jonathan: Exactly. So you want to just get it as close and if possible if you need to cook something you can actually just cook it while on your the phone and then heat it up on the…
April: Like sautéing vegetables maybe or peeling hard boiled eggs.
Jonathan: Exactly.
April: That’s like an hour peeling of hard boiled eggs. And the kids could actually help at that. I think you can add baking soda to the water, do you know, to make the peeling ready to do.
Jonathan: Oh, yes, the trick to make hard boiled eggs way easier is to add a lot of baking soda to the water. And then, when they’re done boiling you put them in ice water until they are completely cool and then you peel them. So you go from very hot baking soda loaded water to ice water.
April: I knew there was some science behind that because that takes forever when we’re peeling a little egg, like, oh, I don’t like to peel hard boiled eggs. Okay, I love that. It’s just that these little ideas are super helpful because I even had this thought the other day where I was super hungry and I went to the fridge and nothing was ready.
You know, for a second I was, oh I could just eat— I don’t know what I was going to eat. But then I thought well, let me, even though I was super hungry I’m just going to take an extra ten minutes and just makes something that’s SANE and eat that first and then I’ll see if the other things still sounded good. But of course it didn’t once I was done and I was full and I was like, alright I don’t even need that. But it’s those little ideas because even if you think, “I’ve got an open day it’ll be fine.” Chances are something is going to happen and something is going to be delayed or it takes you longer. I love that with SANE as long as I can just have some food on hand and be somewhat prepared then I can eat and never have to be hungry and never have to resort to just eating junk food. So I love it.
Jonathan: I would long for the day, it may be about the time I have grand kids and children this would be true like right now if you tell someone, “Hey, I have an hour set aside on my calendar to exercise,” they get it. And they can be like, “What? That’s crazy.”
Or, if you’re at work and your boss calls you into a meeting that’s going to take an hour, you don’t say no. Somehow an hour materializes. If we can start to get into a routine of I have an hour that I’m going to spend on food preparation, like, period. It’s a ritual. I do it every week. It happens on Saturday at this time or it happens this Sunday at this time. I think just like people make time to exercise them. Make time for other things.
If we can literally just make time for pre-preparing food as a ritual, as a routine, I promise you that every single person who has at a long term success with SANE eating does that.
So you say, what are the characteristics of long term success? One is you budget time consistently to pre-prep food. And, if you good news is with a good lifestyle, you can trade ten hours on the gym or just a little bit of time in the kitchen and there was the time.
April: I love that. Okay. I have like three or four brand new things I’m going to go implement into my life to be able to really save that time so that I can be more successful and that really take the stress out and it helps you not have to use that willpower. It’s not like, oh, let me fight my way through today. So that big next action is everyone thinks about, oh we touched about it and we’ve identified maybe one way to save more time and plan in advance.
Jonathan: Absolutely. Maybe one stretch goal is to use that specifically in the context of breakfast because I think that that can be most challenging for people so remove assumptions of it can only be breakfast food and ask yourself what can I pre-prepare for breakfast that’s SANE for me and for my family next week.
April: Love it. Alright, thank you so much Jonathan. I feel like I’ve got some awesome training. I’m eager to apply this to my life so good luck. Those of you over here listening with us, have a wonderful day and remember to stay SANE.