Jay: Goodbye 97lbs! So long Pre-Diabetes!
“I’m down over 90 lbs so far and still losing fat. I’ve gone from an XXL to a medium coat and shirts. Pants? Yeah, I’ve gone from a 38 to a 30! It’s like I’m a teenager again. My blood pressure is in the normal range and I’m off all medications! My HBA1c went from a 6.3 to a 5.1 so I’m officially no longer pre-diabetic.”
A year ago, I was pulled aside by a co-worker who is a martial arts guru and fitness nut. He told me about how Jonathan had appeared on Shawn Stevenson’s show and that I really needed to listen to it. I listened to the show then went right out and bought Jonathan’s book that same night. I was blown away. It was like someone flipped a switch and turned a light on for me. It all finally made sense.
I had been 297 lbs, was on 4 different blood pressure medications…yes 4…with a blood pressure of 160/100. I was pre-diabetic, with horrible blood tests and all of my numbers were out of whack. I snored every night putting stress on my marriage and was forced to only sleep in one position. My wife was worried I’d stop breathing in my sleep and die. I was in the danger zone.
I had been yoyo dieting for my entire adult life and was now 41 years old. I just knew that after 20 years of being an obese adult that there was no chance I could ever be thin and healthy. I had followed the conventional wisdom of low-fat dieting and “eat less and exercise more” time and time again and had failed miserably. I had even been on prescription diet pills off and on for over 10 years, but I always gained the weight back and then some. Nothing worked…until I found Jonathan and the Sane Solution.
Jonathan was the first person to explain why and how I had become obese and how to fix it. As soon as I started reading about SANE, I knew I could do it, and even better I could tell right away it would be sustainable for me.
I adopted the SANE lifestyle and started applying all the principles to my life. For the first time in my life I actually started to care about my health and not just the numbers on the scale. I joined a gym and started doing smarter exercise. I cleaned out the cabinets and stocked the fridge with SANE food.
The weight started to fall off. Every single person I came into contact with, kept telling me how good I look and wanted to know how I was doing it. I thought I would get sick of telling so many people about the Sane Solution, but I never have. I see that spark of hope in their eyes and I know deep down that anyone can be successful with SANE, and once you undergo that amazing transformation in your own life, you want to shout it from the rooftops so everyone can experience that same amazing vibrant health and fat loss.
Now, after a year of the SANE lifestyle, guess what? I haven’t gained the weight back like I always had before. This is truly sustainable. I’m down over 90 lbs so far and still losing fat. I’ve gone from an XXL to a medium coat and shirts. Pants? Yeah I’ve gone from a 38 to a 30! It’s like I’m a teenager again. My blood pressure is in the normal range and I’m off all medications! My HBA1c went from a 6.3 to a 5.1 so I’m officially no longer pre-diabetic. I even had to have my wedding ring re-sized from a size 11 to a 9 ¼! I no longer snore and can sleep however I want. I get great restful sleep and wake up earlier than ever before feeling energized and well-rested. My horrible ravenous hunger is GONE. When I have a meal I eat plenty of tasty, healthy food and it satisfies me for hours and hours. Sane has helped me kick my sugar addiction to the curb.
I wish I could get in a time machine and go back 20 years to give myself the incredible education I’ve received from the Sane Solution. I could have been healthy, happy and slim for all those years instead of heavy, sad and sick. The coolest thing though is that I know I’ll never go back to that life and I’ll never gain the weight back again. Jonathan’s Sane Solution changed my life forever. You can do it too. Make the change today.
Snapshot of your SANE Success:
- Age: 42
- Family: Wife and 3 kids
- Occupation: UPS Guy
- Where in the world can you find me? Connecticut
- Year I went SANE: 2016
- Current height/weight: 6 Feet, 206 lbs
- Health before/after SANE: Complete transformation, see my story
- Favorite SANE meal: Grilled chicken with zucchini, coconut oil and seasoning
- What words of advice can you give to someone just starting their SANE journey? This is life-changing and it actually works. Stick to the principles you learn in the Sane Solution and you will be successful. If you’re a sugar addict like me, go easy on the low-fructose fruits.
- Hobby: Hiking with my kids
- SANE words to live by: It’s all about the real food, baby. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. SANE non-starchy veggies, nutrient-dense proteins and whole food fats will get you the results that nothing else has been able to.
* Testimonial Disclaimer: All testimonials were written by actual members of SANE Solution and participants in the SANE Setpoint Diet. Results may vary. Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise or diet program. Please review our testimonial disclaimer for more information.