Rita: 62 Years Old….60 Pounds Gone!
I have always struggled with weight and tried many different diets and programs but nothing worked.
At 61 years of age, I started to accept that my obesity was my reality, and resolved to stop trying.
One day, as I was googling how dieting affects metabolism, I came upon some information on Jonathan Bailor and his new book, The Set Point Diet. To be honest, I still didn’t think this would work, so I borrowed the book from the library; I was not going to waste any more money on dieting, and I was intrigued by the idea of being able to lose weight without hunger.
I must admit that I was skeptical. You’re telling me that I will no longer crave pizza and pasta? I don’t believe you! But I found it to be true. After following the program for three weeks, most of my cravings disappeared. On occasion, I still crave chocolate but when I’m on outings, I can pass them up knowing that I have my SANE chocolate dessert waiting for me at home. I also love that I don’t have to count calories; I still eat until I’m full, I just eat better food.
Now, almost one year later, here I am 60 pounds less, I feel better and am enjoying life more. My knees don’t hurt as much and my cholesterol level went from 233 to 187. And I feel much younger than 62; I actually feel like I’m in my 40s!
For those of you who are just beginning their SANE journey but are worried about the cost of investing in your health, know that it is worth it. The weight loss may be slow at first but just keep going. I know that the SANE plan is the right tool for me and I am proof that it works. I’m looking forward to reaching my goal in another year!
~ Rita
* Testimonial Disclaimer: All testimonials were written by actual members of SANE Solution and participants in the SANE Setpoint Diet. Results may vary. Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise or diet program. Please review our testimonial disclaimer for more information.