A silhouette of a woman performing a lunge at sunset.

How to lose that thigh fat

You might think that the best way to lose thigh fat is to exercise like crazy, especially with cardio and lower-body training. But spot-reducing fat is a myth and won’t help you lose fat on your thighs or anywhere else. 

To burn or lose fat, you have to know the basics of how your body works and those basics just might surprise you. Weight loss shouldn’t be hard, and following TV recommendations can be dangerous.

Indeed, strength training with a proper workout routine can sometimes lead to weight gain (but not the bad kind!).

A cropped image of a woman in shorts measuring her thigh with a tape measure.

Aerobic exercises with smaller plate weights can help with hip fat as well. Of course, you don’t need us to tell you that eating unhealthy foods or smaller portions may help in the short run – but we’re after the lasting change!

You need healthy fats and high protein intake the SANE way.

Combine the SANESolution patented postbiotics (with Viscera-3) and Citicoline (with SANE Vitaae), and you’ll quickly realize what you’ve been missing!

Discover not only how to reduce your thigh fat but how to get the best body of your life and keep it that way for good by changing your mindset and your setpoint.

Step 1: How is changing your mindset the best way to lose thigh fat without exercise?

In the SANE interview with Jennipher Walters of the Fit-Bottomed Girl, Jennipher talks about how she changed her life and many others. She realized that all of us, especially women, naturally come in different shapes and sizes. 

She explained her life-changing moment very concisely in this quote about changing your mindset:

“I met with a registered dietician who was into intuitive eating, and she said something to me that was pretty life-changing. I think – obviously, this message is for women – but I think it also kind of applies to guys in a little way. She said, ‘Wow! Can you imagine what all the women in the world would have done and would have accomplished if they weren’t obsessed with how many calories they ate, how many calories they burned at the gym?’”

After that moment, Jennipher realized that there’s more to burning fat, getting a fit bottom half, and life in general than just counting calories and sweating it out at the gym. Her primary focus was learning how the body actually works and giving it what it needs to succeed.

And you can learn that, too. So here’s what you need to know to change your mindset and start losing fat so you can be your best you.

Step 2: The best way to lose fat on your thighs is to change your setpoint

Everyone’s body is different, and you can burn fat from your thighs without exercise. But each one of us has a natural weight range that the body wants to maintain, a range that it practically defaults to. That point is called your set point weight. However, your setpoint weight doesn’t just strive to maintain your body weight. It also supervises your body fat levels.

An image of an obese woman standing on a bathroom scale.

How your setpoint weight works

The setpoint is kind of like a strong-willed child. It makes changes so that it gets its way. That’s why dieting and over-exercising only work for the short term. 

When your body senses that things are changing, the setpoint, wanting to get its way, slows down your metabolic rate. That way, your body can hang onto the fat and keep the status quo.

Increase resistance training

According to numerous experts, resistance training is the best way to lose thigh fat. Inner thigh exercises are particularly useful in this regard.

Try incorporating total-body workouts or muscle strength for at least two days a week. Does this burn thigh fat? It may, but utilizing the Setpoint theory correctly works better long term.

Why dieting and over-exercising doesn’t work

That’s why cutting calories only works for a short amount of time, especially when reducing fatty thighs without exercise. Then, it stops helping you lose weight and fat. 

Your body senses that fewer calories will be available, so it goes into starvation mode and clings to every calorie it gets, storing it as fat for later.

Your body does the same thing with exercise. When you start to exercise more and more, the body adapts by storing more fat to counteract the new calorie demands and avoid starvation. As a result, the setpoint stays happy because the body stays within the same range it’s used to.

When it comes to burning excess fat, the setpoint may seem like a losing battle. But the good news is that you can change your setpoint. 

Just because body fat is controlled by your setpoint doesn’t mean that you have to hang onto that fat forever. 

Hormones control your setpoint, and you can do things to influence those hormones and change the setpoint. 

These things don’t require heavy exercise or dieting. All that’s needed is the correct information about food and giving your body the nourishment it needs without going into starvation mode. Here’s how that works.

How hormones factor in

Two major hormones that affect your body’s setpoint are leptin and ghrelin. 

Leptin is a hormone secreted by adipose tissue (body fat) that aids in the long-term maintenance of one’s normal body weight. It has been coined the “starvation” hormone because it plummets when you restrict your calorie intake or starve yourself. 

Produced in fat cells, leptin signals when the body has had enough to eat or is full, which plays a significant role in your satiety. Conversely, when leptin levels decrease, your brain tells your body that it needs more food than it really does.

On the other hand, ghrelin is a hormone that the stomach produces and secretes. It is commonly known as the “hunger hormone” because it increases your appetite and makes you feel hungry. 

When you starve yourself, your ghrelin levels rise. In concert with the decrease in leptin levels, this further confirms with your brain that your body isn’t full and tells you on a hormonal level that you need to eat more food and calories. 

Since ghrelin is made in the stomach, it is directly affected by the foods you eat.

Several factors influence the rise and fall of these two hormones:

  • How much you eat
  • When you eat
  • Your sleep cycles
  • How much light you take in
  • How much you exercise (strength training can lead to weight gain)
  • The amount of stress in your life

While you can control most of these factors, influencing your hormonal balance with what you eat is one of the simplest ways to change your setpoint quickly. 

This is because hormones are controlled mainly by calorie quality. So, by feeding your body nutrient-dense foods, you avoid starvation mode. Instead, you change your hormones so they can change you.

Step 3: lose the thick thighs (and all excess body fat) through calorie quality

The SANE approach is not about how to burn calories. Instead, it’s about the quality of the calories you consume.

The quality of calories is controlled by four factors: satiety, aggression, nutrition, and efficiency. These four factors work together to make the needed changes in your body so your setpoint can change.

  • Satiety: How quickly your calories fill you up and make you feel satisfied
  • Aggression: How aggressively your calories impact your hormones
  • Nutrition: how many vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids (or, in our case here, a specific short-chain fatty acid called, Butyrate), and other nutrients your calories provide
  • Efficiency: How easily those calories are converted into body fat

In short, eating a healthy diet composed primarily of SANE foods will help you lose that extra fat on your things.

These four factors make up the basis of the SANE solution. 

They are the best way to lose fat on your inner thighs, your outer thigh, and all of your extra body fat. 

Understanding how water, fiber, and protein affect those four factors, hormones, and thus your body’s setpoint is crucial to seeing how the four factors work.

Learn the exact foods you must eat if you want to lose weight permanently. Click here to download your FREE Weight Loss Recipes, the “Eat More, Lose More” Weight Loss Recipes, the “Slim in 6” Cheat Sheet…CLICK HERE TO GET FREE WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES & GUIDES

Step 4: the role water plays

Water retention packs on pounds! 

People are comprised of at least 60 percent water. Staying hydrated keeps your body healthy and avoids many problems, including fatigue, lethargy, temperature regulation, and decreased brain function. 

On the other hand, even a 2 percent reduction in your body’s water volume can dehydrate you and start to cause serious problems. Dehydration occurs when a person loses more fluid than they consume. When the body’s normal water content is reduced, the body’s mineral balance (salts and sugar) is disrupted, which affects its function.

Drinking six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day helps you maintain proper kidney function and enables you to avoid constipation, keeping your digestive system moving smoothly so your body can keep burning fat throughout the day and night.

An image of a pitcher pouring water into a glass.

But what’s more, staying hydrated and avoiding water retention actually maximizes how well your brain functions, increases your energy levels and is one of the best ways to reduce fatty thighs. 

This is because water functions as a transport system through your digestive tract and gets the food where it needs to go. It also works with enzymes, stomach acids, and hormones to break down and deliver nutrients so they can do their jobs more efficiently. 

In one study, people who drank half a liter of water showed increased metabolism and fat-burning of 30 percent for a full hour and a half after drinking the water.

As your body ages, you need even more water to help you ward off hormone resistance. 

As your body tries harder to maintain its setpoint and hang onto the status quo, water can help you avoid the downfalls of a slowing metabolism. 

While water helps people of all ages keep the fat-burning process going, it’s vital as you get older. For example, one study showed that middle-aged and older adults who consume half a liter of water 30 minutes before every meal lost 44 percent more weight than those who didn’t.

How to get enough water

That’s a huge difference, but drinking that much water might seem overwhelming.

In the SANE eating plan, you’ll get a lot of your water from the foods you eat. By increasing the amounts of non-starchy vegetables, nutrient-dense protein, whole food fats, and low-fructose fruits, you’ll automatically get more water and be able to get the most benefits from the food you eat. 

You’ll feel satisfied and full quicker. Your body will be able to use the nutrients better. And you’ll keep burning fat longer, all because of the higher water content.

Step 5: How fiber fits in

Fiber has kind of gotten a bad reputation over the years. Fiber is often referred to as “roughage” and thought of as a necessary evil that adds bulk to your stool. But that type of fiber, insoluble fiber, is only one of the two fiber types in food. 

They are both critical in finding the best way to shed the fat on your thighs and all of your unnecessary fat. But knowing the difference between the two can help you burn even more fat.

An image of a salad on a plate in front of oil and vinegar bottles.

The other type of fiber, soluble fiber, is your food’s softer, gentler fiber. If you’ve ever grown a Chia pet, you’ve seen what soluble fiber looks like. The sticky gel that forms around chia seeds when wet is the same type of action that occurs in all soluble fiber. It binds to other substances, forming a gel-like substance in your gut.

This action lowers your cholesterol and helps regulate your blood sugar levels because it increases levels of good bacteria in your stomach.

It also works to decrease inflammation and improves your immune system so you can ward off symptoms of your setpoint trying to maintain itself, like headaches and hunger pangs.

In addition, studies have shown that increasing your soluble fiber intake doesn’t just help you lose fat on your thighs but also burns potentially deadly visceral fat by 3.7 percent.

How to get enough fiber

All foods in the SANE solution are naturally higher in soluble fiber and can help you lose those fatty thighs. You’ll have lots of choices from all of the food groups. Some of the best examples are:

  • Brussels sprouts, mixed greens, asparagus, and broccoli from the non-starchy vegetable group
  • Peas from the nutrient-dense protein category
  • Chia seeds, flax seeds, cocoa, and avocado from the whole-food fats group
  • Goji berries, raspberries, and blueberries from low-fructose fruits

Step 6: What protein brings

Nutrient-dense protein is one of the best ways to control your satiety and burn off the fat on your thighs and other fat. Eating high amounts, around 30-40 percent of your daily intake, of nutrient-dense protein reduces your body fat naturally.

Eating protein releases hormones that help you control your cravings and keep you feeling full. Ghrelin is one of these hormones.

Studies have shown that getting the right amounts of ghrelin can regulate your appetite and keep you burning fat longer during the 24 hours after you eat it. 

PYY, the “fullness” hormone, is also released when you eat protein. This hormone decreases your appetite and works with others to increase your satiety faster. 

This prevents you from overeating, helps you reduce that setpoint, and gets to your best body quicker.

When protein is used in the right way by your body, it provides these beneficial hormones. As a result, it translates into the calories you eat being used more efficiently. 

This also means foods are less likely to be stored as unnecessary fat. They can be used as they are intended to be used. Your body will be working more efficiently, burning fat instead of storing it.

How to get enough protein

The SANE solution offers excellent choices for nutrient-dense proteins. Some of the foods you’ll get to enjoy include:

  • Sea bass and salmon
  • Eggs and cottage cheese
  • Shrimp
  • Snapper
  • Squid
  • Chicken
  • Grass-fed beef and lamb

How it all fits together for the best way to lose thigh fat and more

When you eat more SANE foods, you decrease your setpoint weight, which allows you to burn more fat automatically – everywhere in your body. This includes that hard to get rid of thigh fat. 

Using the SANE solution of satiety, aggression, nutrition, and efficiency, you’ll be choosing foods that will naturally reset your setpoint weight and keep you losing fat even without dieting or a change in exercise. 

As a result, you’ll have more energy, be better hormonally balanced and enjoy your life and body again, all with just a simple change of mindset.

Step 7 Next step: lose those thick thighs with SANE

Ready to finally break free from the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster by balancing your hormones and lowering your body’s setpoint weight?

Want to know the exact foods and serving sizes that are scientifically proven by over 1,300 peer-reviewed research studies to boost metabolism, burn fat and effortlessly lose weight like a naturally thin person?

How to lose thigh fat FAQs

What should I eat to lose fat on my thighs?

  • Eat Fruits and Vegetables to target your Setpoint.
  • Continue with whole grains that include brown rice, for example.
  • Protein such as Grass-fed Beef and Lamb, Chicken, Squid, Snapper, Eggs, and Cottage Cheese.
  • Superfoods such as oils, which include olive oil.

Bonus: 3 best resistance thigh exercises

Losing thigh fat is not as challenging as you think, especially if you add some resistance exercises to your routine.

Here are three of the best thigh exercises that are particularly beneficial for burning inner thigh fat and for strengthening leg muscles in general. Perhaps not surprisingly, they are all variations of the traditional squat.

A graphical image of a woman doing a sumo squat while holding a barbell on her shoulders.

Sumo Squats

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Angle your toes out and away from the center of your body.
  3. Bend the knees and hips as you are slowly squatting.
  4. Hold for a count of six, then slowly press through your heels up to standing.

Do 8 to 12 reps. Work up to three sets of these, and you’ll really be burning inner thigh fat!

You can add a barbell or dumbbell to increase the intensity, but you should slowly work up to this.

An image of a fit man performing a curtsy lunge.

Curtsy Lunge

The curtsy lunge exercises your entire lower body. Though it looks easy, it is challenging. So, be sure to go slowly and stop if you feel your legs are going to collapse.

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Keeping your back flat and your abdominal muscles tight, step back with your left foot and place it behind and outside your right foot.
  3. Lower your hips until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your left knee is hovering as close to the floor as possible.
  4. Reverse the movement, returning to starting position.

Either repeat this movement for 6 to 10 reps or alternate legs for 6 to 10 reps for each leg.

An image of a young woman performing a side lunge in the gym.

Side Lunge

The side lunge is another excellent exercise for the inner and outer thighs. Here’s the correct way to perform a side lunge.

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, with your back straight and your abdominal muscles tight.
  2. Slowly step your left foot out, keeping most of your weight on your right foot.
  3. Then slowly bend your left knee, lowering your weight over your left knee.
  4. Keep bending until your left knee is vertical to the floor.
  5. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then push up from your left foot to return to starting position.

Repeat on the right leg/foot.

Learn the exact foods you must eat if you want to finally lose weight permanently. Click here to download your FREE Weight Loss Recipes, the “Eat More, Lose More” Weight Loss Recipes, the “Slim in 6” Cheat Sheet…CLICK HERE TO GET FREE WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES & GUIDES
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