Why the Fat Loss Diet is the Best Way to Lose Weight

An image of sun shining onto a road through the trees.According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 70% of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. If you’re among them, you’ve probably wanted to find an effective Fat Loss Diet. Instead, you’ve tried almost everything else to lose weight. The Grapefruit Diet. The Cabbage Soup Diet. Weight Watchers. NutriSystem. Aerobics. Jogging. All of them failed miserably.

You did lose weight on most of them, sometimes a lot of weight. The pounds even seemed to melt off quickly in the beginning. Then it slowed down to almost nothing. Weeks went by with barely a pound lost. Every time you stepped on the scales was just another opportunity for disappointment. When the hunger, deprivation, and impatience finally built up enough, you threw in the towel.

Freed from the dieting shackles, you ate anything you wanted, like you’d never seen food before. You gained all the weight back in just a couple of months, plus 10 or 20 pounds. You were worse off than you had been before you started the diet. It made you feel guilty and depressed. You even blamed yourself.

But you know what?

It is NOT your fault! You didn’t fail those diets, they failed YOU. There is a better, easier way to lose weight permanently. It’s called the fat-loss diet.

The fat-loss diet gives you permanent results.

If you’re used to counting calories and obsessing over every bite of food, the ease of the Fat Loss Diet will amaze you. The focus of the Fat Loss Diet is different than the typical weight loss diet. Here’s a side-by-side comparison.

Weight loss diet   

  • Restricts calories or counts points
  • Treats all calories the same
  • Eating too much causes weight gain.
  • You must reduce calories to lose weight.

Fat loss diet

  • Focuses on quality, not the quantity of food
  • Recognizes macronutrients are metabolized differently, having different effects on the body
  • Elevated setpoint weight causes weight gain.
  • Your body regulates calories for you once you fix the broken system.


We will explain all of these points shortly. But for now, just know that the biggest benefit to the Fat Loss Diet is it burns fat. When you go on the typical weight loss diet, you lose more weight in muscle than you do in fat. This not only slows your metabolism, making weight loss even more difficult, but it is also unhealthy.

The Fat Loss Diet is a much better way to go, and it will save you from the health problems of having too much body fat.

Health Risks of Obesity

Having too much body fat is always unhealthy, but there are degrees of risk. Obesity is a medical condition characterized by an excess accumulation of body fat sufficient to significantly increase the risk of health problems. If your body weight is at least 20% higher than it should be, or if your body mass index is 30 or over, you’re considered to be obese.

This is not a perfect measure of the percentage of body fat, however. Those who are fit and muscular could be listed as overweight or even obese on the weight charts. This is because muscle weighs more than fat. But these percentages are good indicators for the average person.

Being overweight and obese can increase the risk for many conditions, including:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea
  • Stroke
  • Some Cancers
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Kidney disease
  • Fatty liver disease

Though excess body fat is unhealthy, it makes a difference where the fat is located. Research shows a certain type of belly fat is the most dangerous of all.

Learn the exact foods you must eat if you want to finally lose weight permanently. Click here to download your FREE Weight Loss Recipes, the “Eat More, Lose More” Weight Loss Recipes, the “Slim in 6” Cheat Sheet…CLICK HERE TO GET FREE WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES & GUIDES

Dangers of belly fat

There are two kinds of body fat: subcutaneous and visceral.

The fat on your butt, thighs, and even belly — the fat you can grab with your hands — is called subcutaneous fat. It lies just beneath the skin and does not pose that big of a health problem, according to experts.

The fat deep in your belly that you cannot see or touch is called visceral fat. It accumulates in and around major internal organs, such as your liver, intestines, and pancreas.  And that’s what makes visceral fat so dangerous. Fat tissue secretes not only hormones but also inflammatory substances. When this fat is wrapped around internal organs, it increases the secretion of these inflammatory substances, leading to inflammation. It also disrupts hormones that regulate appetite, weight, and brain function.

This inflammation, along with hormonal disruption, may increase your risk for the following conditions:

  • Obesity
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Dementia
  • Cancer

How do you know if you have a dangerous level of visceral fat? In general, if your waist size is 35 or more inches (for a woman), or 40 or more inches (for a man), you could be carrying dangerous levels of visceral fat.

However, you can be thin and still have too much visceral fat, a condition called “skinny fat.”

The good news is that with the Fat loss Diet, you will lose subcutaneous and visceral fat. You will finally succeed with your weight loss goals, whereas the other diets failed. Before discussing why the Fat Loss Diet works, let’s talk about why those other diets failed.

Reasons those other diets failed

There are many reasons those other diets you were on failed. Here are just a few of them.

  1. They were so restrictive you couldn’t stay on them very long. Because, really, who can eat cabbage soup or grapefruit for months on end?
  2. You’re hungry all the time. Well…duh. How much food can you eat on just 1,200 calories a day?
  3. The weight loss stopped. Yep. Like within a few weeks. Who wants to starve themselves with nothing to show for it?

Though there are many other reasons these diets failed, these are probably the main ones. The Fat Loss Diet is different from all the other diets you tried. It is not restrictive. You won’t be hungry AT ALL. And the weight will keep coming off you.

Are you ready to learn the details about the Fat Loss Diet?

Science of the fat loss diet and losing weight

Those diets failed because what you’ve believed about fat loss and losing weight is wrong. Here is what the science of fat loss really says and why the Fat Loss Diet is so effective.

Fat loss is not about counting calories.

For over 50 years, the calorie deficit theory has ruled the weight loss world. The calorie deficit theory says that if you consume fewer calories than you burn, you’ll lose weight. It reduces the human body to a simple mathematical equation: calories in = calories out. But just as a healthy body balances blood pressure and blood sugar within a normal range, a healthy body also balances calorie intake and expenditure within a normal range.

The body is an amazing machine that handles all these processes without any help from you. However, when the body’s healthy balance system is broken by low-quality foods, you have to step in and do its job for it. You have to regulate your blood sugar with insulin injections or control your blood pressure with medications.

And you have to try to control your weight by counting calories or points or running a mile every morning. But it doesn’t work because something in your biology has broken down. Once fixed, your body will resume its job of balancing your calorie intake and expenditure.

Secrets of the fat loss diet: lowering setpoint weight

Your brain, digestive system, and hormonal system talk to each other to synchronize activities that automatically maintain weight at a certain level, called the setpoint weight. Like the thermostat in your home, this system monitors An image of a woman sitting on a tree stump looking out over a blue-watered pond.every change in the system and makes adjustments as necessary. This keeps you close to your setpoint weight, give or take 10 or 20 pounds. Because of the setpoint weight, naturally thin people can eat anything they want and not gain an ounce. The setpoint weight also prevents you from eating anything you want without gaining weight.

But when the system breaks down, the setpoint weight goes up. Your body thinks you need more fat than you really do. If you try to cut calories to lose weight, your body’s metabolic alarm goes off, signaling the body that you’re not consuming as much as you usually do. This triggers hormones that make you feel hungry. Your metabolism slows down to conserve energy because your body thinks you’re starving. You can’t win because you’re working against your own biology.

Causes of an elevated setpoint weight

Hormonal dysregulation, gut dysbiosis, and neurological inflammation determine setpoint weight. These three are caused by several factors, including:

  • The standard American diet of sugars and processed foods
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Environmental toxins
  • Prolonged exercise
  • Stress

While these 5 all contribute to an elevated setpoint weight, the standard American diet is one of the biggest factors, and it is one you can control.

The Standard American Diet

Given that more than 70% of foods on grocery store shelves are processed, it’s not surprising that obesity is a problem in America. Processed foods not only contain inflammation-causing, setpoint-elevating chemicals in them, but most of them also contain added sugar. Sugar elevates setpoint weight even if you stay within your calorie limit. It also causes accumulations of visceral fat, the most dangerous type of belly fat.

The standard American diet also elevates setpoint weight because it causes insulin resistance. This leads to excess insulin in your bloodstream, and insulin is a fat-storage hormone. Because insulin controls blood glucose levels, it can tell your metabolism you need more fat, and it can tell it not to burn the fat you have.

The best way to lower your setpoint weight is to reduce your processed foods and sugar consumption and increase whole foods in your diet. The Fat Loss Diet is an excellent way to do that. Plus, you’ll burn fat instead of muscle!

Why the fat loss diet works

On the Fat Loss Diet, you’ll learn the SANE way to burn fat. For maybe the first time in your life, you’ll be free from calorie counting. You’ll learn how to eat more food and lose weight. Sounds too good to be true? It isn’t. It is a biological fact.

You see, research shows when you eat less food, your metabolism slows down. If you go on a calorie-restricted diet for too long, your body will lose weight, but it will come primarily from muscle. Your metabolism won’t touch your fat stores because it thinks you’ll need it later when your starvation gets worse. In addition, if you eat the standard American diet — even if you eat less of it — you likely have an elevated amount of insulin that prevents you from burning fat.

But the Fat Loss Diet works with your body rather than against it. You will eat high-quality, SANE foods that heal your hormones, gut bacteria, and brain inflammation, thereby lowering your setpoint weight. The foods you eat are scientifically proven to fill you up fast and keep you full longer — and they will ignite your body’s fat-burning mechanisms.

For instance, research shows when you replace sugars and starchy carbs with whole-food fats, the body will start burning fat as a food source. The fat will melt away.

Foods to eat on a fat-loss diet

Here’s a small sampling of some of the foods you’ll enjoy on the Fat Loss Diet:

  • Non-starchy vegetables: spinach, bell peppers, onions, broccoli, cabbage, romaine lettuce
  • Nutrient-dense protein: egg whites, lean meats, salmon, nonfat Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken
  • Whole-food fats: flax seeds, olives, almonds, coconut, cocoa/cacao, chia seeds
  • Low-fructose fruits: lemons, goji berries, grapefruit, strawberries, peaches, oranges

For the best fat-burning results, try to eat the first three food groups together at every meal. Fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables, a third of your plate with nutrient-dense protein, and the remainder with whole-food fats.

If you don’t like to eat non-starchy vegetables, no problem. Simply select a few veggies and at least one type of leafy green, such as spinach, and whip it up into a delicious, fat-melting green smoothie.

If you want to lose weight easily and permanently, the Fat Loss Diet is the only way to go. Try it and see!

Next step: Start your fat loss diet with SANE

Ready to finally break free from the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster by balancing your hormones and lowering your body’s setpoint weight?

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Learn the exact foods you must eat if you want to finally lose weight permanently. Click here to download your FREE Weight Loss Recipes, the “Eat More, Lose More” Weight Loss Recipes, the “Slim in 6” Cheat Sheet…CLICK HERE TO GET FREE WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES & GUIDES