The Effects of Incorrect Exercise on Setpoint Weight

An image of man's back with the upper and lower part highlighted in red signifying pain. The effects of incorrect exercising have been written about quite a bit. Exercise can involve many twists and turns, with and without weights. Obviously, the effects of incorrect exercising in these situations can be dangerous.

What is hardly ever discussed, however, are the effects of incorrect exercising on setpoint weight. This is unfortunate because the effects of incorrect exercising on setpoint weight are not positive ones. Yet, health “experts”, government health officials, and just about everybody else say you must “exercise more” to lose weight.

And how, exactly, has that worked out?

The effects of incorrect exercising on obesity

The effects of incorrect exercising may have contributed to the obesity epidemic. How could this be? Well…the Centers for Disease Control reports that in 2015-2016, nearly 40% of adults in the U.S. were obese, a condition characterized by excessive fat accumulation that poses a health risk. That is more than 93 million people. Most of them have been guilted and nagged and shamed for years or decades about their “weight problem.” They have been told the only way to trim down is to eat less and exercise more, so it is no surprise that many of them took that advice to heart. They went on starvation diets and, yes, they exercised more, even buying gym memberships!

In 2014, more than 54 million Americans not only paid for gym memberships, they actually visited the gym! There were more than 5 billion gym visits 2 years straight, with the average member visiting their club more than 100 times in the year. Gym memberships grew by 18.6% between 2008 and 2014.

And many people didn’t limit their workouts to gyms. Between 2012-2017, 64% of children and adults in the U.S. participated in fitness activities, such as running/jogging, swimming, and high-intensity training. (Source: Physical Activity Council) Yet, the U.S. population keeps getting heavier and heavier.

The effects of incorrect exercising: What does it mean?

What gives? Could the effects of incorrect exercising perhaps be one of the reasons these people have not been able to lose weight? Could the effects of incorrect exercising actually be part of the cause of their weight gain? The answer is a huge YES to both questions.

Before discussing the effects of incorrect exercising, however, let’s define it with respect to setpoint weight. For the purposes of this article, incorrect exercise is any planned physical activity that elevates your heart rate for an extended period. Studies show this actually raises your setpoint weight, causing weight gain or inability to lose weight.

Setpoint weight is the weight your body strives to maintain within a preferred range of about 10 to 15 pounds.

Setpoint weight, the effects of incorrect exercising, and why exercising more and eating less is NOT the answer

It is unbelievable that we have been fed a lie about how weight loss works. It is incredible that nobody told us how the effects of incorrect exercising could actually cause weight gain. It is cruel that hundreds of millions of people who have done what “experts” told them to do — exercise more and eat less — are fat-shamed and guilted and bullied for not being able to lose weight.

There is no need for you to feel shame and guilt.

You are not to blame for your “failure” to lose weight because YOU did not fail. You were simply given incorrect information about how metabolism works and how to achieve long-term weight loss. All those many diets you tried failed you. Once you have the correct information, you will be able to lose weight easily — and this time, you’ll be able to keep it off. No starvation dieting. No 45-minute exercise programs, 3-4 times a week. And no suffering the effects of incorrect exercise.

The reason that intense, extended exercise programs elevate your setpoint weight is that they are based on the calorie-deficit theory of weight loss. That is, if you create a calorie deficit by eating less and/or exercising more, you will lose a certain number of pounds. The number of pounds you lose is supposed to be exactly correlated to the amount of your calorie deficit.

Except it never works out that way. What usually happens is that you lose a lot of weight in the beginning, and then it slows down to almost nothing. If it seems as if your body is fighting your weight-loss efforts…it is. Your body is trying to keep your weight near your setpoint weight.

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Setpoint weight always wins

Your setpoint weight is the level of fat your body “thinks” you need based on signals from your brain, digestive system, and hormones. If you go on a starvation diet, your body immediately knows you’re not eating as much as it thinks you need to stay alive. Consequently, it goes on emergency alert, summoning various hormones that make you hungry, weak, cold, and irritable.

Certain hormones also make you have intense cravings for certain foods. Hormones also slow your metabolism, send your calories to your fat stores, and prevent your fat stores from being burned. Instead, they make your body burn muscle for energy. They do this to save your life because they think you’re starving. All of this elevates your setpoint weight.

When weight loss slows down, many people increase the length and/or intensity of their exercise programs. They’ve been told this will speed up their metabolism and burn more calories. This is a big mistake.

The effects of incorrect exercising and calorie deficit

You see, the effects of incorrect exercising still create a calorie deficit that elevates your setpoint weight. Plus, the body strives for a state of balance, so when you exercise and create that calorie deficit, your hormones will just make you hungrier. In fact, studies show exercise increases appetite causing people to eat more calories after a workout. This makes exercise an ineffective way to control weight in even the best of circumstances.

When you go off the diet, you gain the weight back plus a few more pounds because your metabolism is now slower than it was before the diet and because your setpoint weight is higher.

You will lose weight with a traditional diet and exercise plan, but only in the short term. The only way to lose weight long-term is by lowering setpoint weight. The best way to lower setpoint weight is with a combination of SANE foods and smarter exercise.

SANE foods and the effects of incorrect exercising

When you switch to eating a predominately SANE diet, it can moderate the effects of incorrect exercising somewhat. However, the fastest way to lower your setpoint weight is to combine a SANE diet with SANE exercise.

We’ll discuss diet briefly before diving into SANEr exercise.

The SANE way to lower setpoint weight

Though there are many causes of an elevated setpoint weight, the biggest one is diet. Eating a steady diet of highly processed foods, starchy carbs, and sugars break the system. Your hormones cannot send or receive correct signals, so they give you more fat. This is called a hormonal clog, and studies show the best way to clear this clog is with a SANE diet.

A SANE diet concentrates on whole foods, meaning they should be as close to their natural states as possible. Fresh or frozen produce. Humanely raised grass-fed meats. You’ll find these foods on the perimeter of the grocery store. They should be minimally processed with few added ingredients.

Reduce your consumption of added sugars, which will be easy if you cut out most highly processed foods. Studies show about 90% of the excess sugar in our diets comes from these foods. If you need to add sugar to any recipe or beverage, choose a natural sweetener, such as Stevia.

The SANE Diet focuses on 3 main food groups — non-starchy vegetables, nutrient-dense proteins, and whole-food fats — proven to lower setpoint weight. Try to eat all three of them together at every meal. These foods fill you up fast, keep you full longer, trigger the release of fat-burning hormones, and lower your setpoint weight.

The goal is to be so full of SANE foods you won’t have room for inSANE foods. But because SANE foods are so filling, you will actually subconsciously eat fewer calories, creating a calorie deficit. Your body won’t mind burning fat and lowering your setpoint weight, though, because it is getting the nutrition it needs.

Using SANE exercise to lower setpoint weight

Traditional exercise isn’t necessarily bad. It just depends on why you’re doing it. If you’re training for a marathon or the Olympics, then traditional exercise designed for that purpose is the only way to achieve that goal. But if you want to lower your setpoint weight, SANE exercise is the only way to do that.

An image of a man and woman sitting on the grass and stretching after a run.You see, traditional exercise — such as jogging, aerobics, and swimming — raises your cortisol levels. If you chronically elevate your cortisol levels by exercising intensely every morning, for instance, your setpoint weight will rise. The weight you’ll gain will also tend to be at your waistline, cortisol’s favorite place to deposit it. Plus, chronically elevated cortisol also causes chronically high insulin levels, which has also been proven to elevate setpoint weight.

SANE exercise, on the other hand, does not trigger elevated cortisol or insulin levels. But studies show it is more effective than traditional exercise at burning fat, lowering setpoint weight, and reducing the risk of diabesity.

SANE exercise focuses on the quality of how you exercise, not the number of calories you burn exercising. Because it is performed slowly, in a controlled movement, it is also safer than most traditional exercises. There is much less risk of injury with SANE exercise than with traditional exercise.

Types of SANE exercise

There are 3 types of SANE Exercise

  1. Eccentric Exercise
  2. SANE Interval Training
  3. Restorative activities

Eccentric exercise

There are 2 types of contraction in resistance training: concentric and eccentric. Concentric is usually when you lift the resistance; ie, pull the weight toward your body. Eccentric is usually when you lower the weight; ie, extend the weight away from your body.

Research shows you can achieve up to 40% more resistance by slowly lowering the resistance than you can by lifting it. The higher the resistance, the more deep, total muscle fibers are activated. It also builds more muscle and triggers more hormones that lower setpoint weight.

You can make any resistance exercise an eccentric one by concentrating on the lowering action. If you’re performing a squat, for instance, slowly squat for a count of 10. Repeat 6 times.

Studies show eccentric action is more effective at lowering setpoint weight, reducing belly fat, and preventing obesity-related disease than traditional exercise. Plus, it saves you a lot of exercise time. Because eccentric exercise works deep muscle fibers that take at least 4 days to heal, you can perform them only one day a week. So, your exercise routine can consist of only 10-20 minutes once a week. How great is that?

SANE Interval Training

You’re probably wondering about cardiovascular exercise. There is a SANEr way to do that, too. All you need is an upright stationary bike.

  1. Mount the bike and warm up by pedaling at a moderate pace with moderate resistance.
  2. Increase the bike’s resistance so that you can pedal only by standing up on the pedals and pushing down as hard as you can for 30 seconds. (If you can go longer than 30 seconds, increase the resistance until you cannot go longer than 30 seconds.)
  3. Rest for 2 minutes
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 three times.

Studies show those who perform SANE-type interval training experienced the same results as those performing traditional cardiovascular exercises, but they spent significantly less time doing it. Plus, they lost more belly fat!

You should do SANE interval training only once a week for 10 minutes.

Restorative activities

Restorative activities complement your SANE eccentric and interval training. These relaxing activities help to decrease your nervous system’s perception of stress. This reduces levels of cortisol, further helping lower setpoint weight.

Wonderful restorative activities include:

  • Meditation
  • Massage
  • TaiChi
  • Qigong
  • Yoga
  • Recreational bike riding
  • Walking
  • Making love
  • Visiting a national park with family

Lowering your setpoint weight is easy once you know the foods to eat and the correct exercises to perform. The time you save exercising also means more time doing things you love!

Next step: End the effects of incorrect exercising on setpoint weight with SANE

Ready to finally break free from the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster by balancing your hormones and lowering your body’s setpoint weight?

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