Why did I poop in my sleep? Causes and Solutions

HEY! Someone pooped the bed.

Can we… That’s better.

You’ve heard the saying, but seriously we’ve all heard about people peeing the bed but why don’t healthy people ever poop the bed?

The simplest reason is that your colon, which is partly in charge of pushing poops through your body, likes to sleep when you do.

But when morning comes, your colon gets to work pushing out the waste.

But if that’s not happening how it should, then you have some options to fix “stuck poo” and help completely empty your bowels every morning.

The best one I’ve found is a remarkable nutrient that you can add to your morning routine in a few seconds to give you complete control over your colon and unlock the power of perfect poops!

Click below to get the “how to” specific and put this whole topic to bed.

That reminds me.

It’s bedtime! Until next time like for good poop, share for great poop.

Good night!

Why Do I Poop in My Sleep?

Waking up to an unexpected and distressing situation, such as pooping during sleep, can be deeply troubling and bewildering. It’s a topic that’s not often talked about, cloaked in silence due to embarrassment or fear of judgment. Yet, diarrhea at night is a phenomenon that’s more common than many realize, touching the lives of people across different age groups, though it’s seldom discussed openly.

Understanding this issue requires peeling back layers of medical, psychological, and physiological factors, each interplaying in complex ways. It’s a delicate subject that touches on the very core of personal dignity and health, and it’s crucial to approach it with sensitivity and care.

The silence surrounding this issue often leaves those experiencing it feeling isolated, unsure where to turn or how to seek help. This blog post aims to break that silence, offering insight into the possible reasons behind this distressing occurrence without delving into medical jargon or complex theories. It’s crafted to be a beacon of understanding and compassion, inviting readers to learn, empathize, and share the knowledge within their circles.

Sharing this post could not only spread awareness but also foster a sense of community and support, reassuring anyone who has experienced this that they are not alone. It’s about extending a hand, offering reassurance, and opening up a conversation on a topic that desperately needs light and understanding. Let’s break the silence together, creating an environment where compassion leads the way to understanding and support.

Why Am I Pooping Myself in My Sleep?

Finding oneself unexpectedly dealing with bowel movements during the night is not only surprising but can also be a source of concern. Often characterized by loose and watery stool, this condition, known as nocturnal diarrhea, occurs from a transient illness or signals an underlying health issue that needs attention. This condition may produce acute and chronic diarrhea. It also disrupts sleep and impacts overall well-being. It might stem from a transient illness or signal an underlying health issue that needs attention.

Symptoms of Nocturnal Diarrhea

The experience of nocturnal diarrhea can manifest through various symptoms, including:

  • Unusually soft, watery stools that deviate from one’s normal bowel movements
  • Discomfort or severe pain in the abdomen, hinting at digestive distress
  • Feelings of nausea, which can add to the discomfort and disrupt sleep further
  • A slight fever, suggesting the body might be fighting an infection
  • A compelling urge to use the bathroom, often waking you from sleep

These signs typically resolve within a few days, indicating a temporary condition. However, if they extend beyond a couple of weeks, or you have severe or chronic nocturnal diarrhea, it might suggest something more serious is at play. Please be aware that even mild diarrhea can be dangerous for young children and seniors.

In such cases, reaching out to a healthcare provider becomes essential. Lingering symptoms warrant a professional evaluation to rule out any significant health concerns and ensure peace of mind.

Do You Poop in Your Sleep Nocturnal Diarrhea Symptoms - Jonathan Bailor

Understanding the Risks Associated with Diarrhea

Diarrhea, regardless of when it happens, day or night, poses significant health risks. Its ability to rapidly deplete the body’s water and electrolytes can result in dehydration, potentially leading to serious health issues. This risk is particularly pronounced among the elderly and young children, who may face grave complications from dehydration if they experience persistent diarrhea.

Research indicates that dehydration affects about 20% to 30% of older adults, often due to a natural decline in body fluids associated with aging. While many instances of dehydration might be mild and manageable, the onset of diarrhea in older individuals can swiftly escalate to severe dehydration.

Without prompt and adequate fluid replacement, this can necessitate hospitalization. It underscores the importance of recognizing the potential dangers of diarrhea and ensuring timely, effective management to safeguard health, especially in vulnerable populations.

Unraveling the Nighttime Mystery: What Causes Nocturnal Diarrhea?

Nocturnal diarrhea, with its disruptive impact on sleep and well-being, often leaves many searching for answers in the dark. Various conditions can trigger this uncomfortable phenomenon, and understanding this is the first step toward finding relief.


  • Viral infections, such as Norovirus and Rotavirus, are notorious for setting off rapid and watery bowel movements.
  • Bacterial infections, including E. coli and Salmonella, are typically linked to what many refer to as “food poisoning.”
  • Parasitic infections, like Cryptosporidium enteritis and Entamoeba histolytica, often stem from contaminated drinking water or food.

These infections can inflame the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, leading to gastroenteritis—a condition that may evoke symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and occasionally fever. While viral gastroenteritis, often dubbed the stomach flu, is unrelated to the influenza virus, it shares the discomfort and disruption commonly associated with flu-like illnesses.

Gastroenteritis may resolve without intervention, but attention is advised if diarrhea extends beyond a couple of days. Persistent symptoms could signal more serious underlying conditions. Moreover, severe bacterial gastroenteritis presents urgent medical concerns, including the risk of dehydration and kidney failure, emphasizing the importance of seeking professional guidance promptly.

Do You Poop in Your Sleep Nocturnal Diarrhea Symptoms - Jonathan Bailor

Decoding the Dietary Mysteries Behind Diarrhea

Navigating through the diverse world of foods, it becomes clear that what nourishes one person might not sit well with another. This is especially true when it comes to understanding how certain foods can trigger diarrhea; unraveling this mystery can help tailor a diet that aligns with bodily harmony.

Dairy Products

It’s not uncommon to experience discomfort after indulging in dairy. This could be a sign of lactose intolerance, where the body lacks the enzyme to digest dairy sugars, leading to those all-too-familiar urgent trips to the bathroom. Astonishingly, a significant portion of the U.S. population, about 36%, may navigate this digestive dilemma.

Gluten-Containing Grains

Gluten, a protein in wheat, barley, and rye, can be a covert culprit behind digestive distress for those with gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease—a condition where gluten wages war on the intestines. Astonishingly, gluten sensitivity may affect around 6% of Americans, while Celiac disease impacts about one in 133 people.

High-Fiber Foods

The dietary fiber found in grains, fruits, and vegetables is essential for digestive health, yet an abrupt increase can overwhelm the gastrointestinal tract, causing diarrhea and cramps. The key is to embrace fiber gradually, allowing the digestive system to adapt smoothly.


That morning cup of coffee does more than just awaken the senses; it might also accelerate bowel movements thanks to caffeine’s stimulating effect. Keeping coffee consumption to a minimum can help mitigate this effect.

Caffeine-Containing Foods

Similarly, other caffeine-laden foods like chocolate, tea, and certain sodas can trigger the same bowel-stimulating response as coffee.


Fruits, while packed with health benefits, also contain fructose, a natural sugar that, in excess, can lead to loose stools. Eating fruit in moderation, especially opting for low-fructose varieties like citrus fruits and berries, can help maintain digestive balance.

Understanding these dietary influences offers a roadmap to managing and preventing diarrhea, highlighting the importance of listening to one’s body and making mindful food choices for optimal digestive health.

Foods that Can Trigger Diarrhea - Jonathan Bailor

Deciphering the Digestive Dilemma: Medications and Supplements

In the complex landscape of health and wellness, medications and supplements stand as powerful tools for managing various conditions. However, their impact extends beyond their intended benefits, sometimes affecting our digestive system in ways we might not expect.

Among these unintended effects, diarrhea emerges as a common side effect linked to a range of medications and supplements, including the following:


Crafted to ease bowel movements by softening the stool, laxatives, when used in excess, can tip the balance too far, leading to diarrhea. It’s a delicate balance, as their purpose is to aid, not to exacerbate.


This essential mineral, known for drawing water into the intestines and thus softening stool, can also relax intestinal muscles. While beneficial for those struggling with constipation, it can lead to diarrhea if not appropriately balanced.


Turning to antacids for relief from acidity, one might unknowingly ingest magnesium, a common ingredient in many brands, which, as noted, can lead to softer stools and potential diarrhea.


Hailed for their infection-fighting prowess, antibiotics unfortunately do not discriminate between harmful and beneficial bacteria. This can disrupt the gut’s microbial harmony, leading to diarrhea.

Chemotherapy Medications

Among their many challenging side effects, medications used in chemotherapy can also disturb digestive processes, resulting in diarrhea.


Commonly used to alleviate pain and manage arthritis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, can irritate the digestive tract and potentially lead to diarrhea.

Heartburn Medications

Even medications designed to soothe heartburn, like Prilosec, can have the side effect of causing diarrhea, illustrating the complexity of our body’s response to treatment.

Understanding these potential side effects empowers us to navigate our health choices more informedly, ensuring we stay vigilant about our digestive health while managing other conditions. It’s a reminder of the interconnectedness of our body’s systems and the importance of holistic health management.

Four Medications That Can Cause Diarrhea - Jonathan Bailor

Medical Conditions

Navigating the quiet of the night only to be disrupted by the urgent call of nocturnal diarrhea is a reality for some, pointing to underlying health conditions that demand attention, like those below:

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

This term encapsulates chronic inflammation within the GI tract, a mystery in its causation but often linked to an autoimmune response where the body’s defense system turns against itself. It manifests in three forms:

  • Ulcerative Colitis: Targets the colon and rectum, leading to ulcers and potential symptoms like bloody diarrhea and rectal pain, varying with the extent of GI tract involvement.
  • Crohn’s Disease: An unpredictable condition that can inflame any part of the GI tract, marked by episodes of mild to severe symptoms, potentially including nocturnal diarrhea, fatigue, and abdominal cramps.
  • Microscopic Colitis: Identified only under microscopic examination, this condition presents with intermittent symptoms such as chronic diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

It is a chronic condition affecting the large intestine but, unlike IBD, doesn’t cause visible damage. IBS underscores a dysfunction in the communication between the brain and the gut, leading to symptoms like abdominal cramping, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. While nocturnal diarrhea is rare in IBS, its occurrence is a signal to seek medical advice.


Affecting glucose metabolism, diabetes, whether Type 1 or Type 2, can lead to elevated blood sugar levels and a range of complications, including nocturnal diarrhea. While not a primary symptom, diarrhea, along with increased thirst, irritability, and frequent urination, warrants a conversation with a healthcare provider.

Understanding these conditions illuminates the potential reasons behind nocturnal disruptions and emphasizes the importance of medical insight. It’s a reminder of the body’s way of signaling for help, guiding towards the necessary steps for management and care.

Restoring Nightly Peace: Strategies to Prevent Sleep-Disrupting Bowel Movements

Encountering bowel movements during the tranquility of sleep is an experience far from pleasant. It’s a situation that can leave anyone feeling vulnerable and mortified, disrupting the natural rhythm of rest and rejuvenation.

However, amidst these challenges lies a beacon of hope—effective strategies and treatments are available to navigate through this delicate issue, with guidance tailored to individual needs and medical advice.

Embracing a proactive approach can significantly reduce the likelihood of nighttime disturbances. Here are some practical steps to consider:

  • Opt for Anti-diarrheal Medications: Products like Pepto-Bismol can offer immediate relief and control over symptoms, providing a layer of protection against unexpected nocturnal episodes.
  • Mind Your Diet: Steering clear of foods and drinks with a known laxative effect, such as prune juice and coffee, can help maintain digestive stability.
  • Follow the BRAT Diet: In times of digestive unrest, embracing the BRAT diet—bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast—can be a gentle way to soothe the digestive system, thanks to these foods’ ease of digestion.
  • Dietary Adjustments: Knowing your body’s triggers is key. For those with lactose intolerance, avoiding dairy can prevent discomfort and disruptions.
  • Identify and Avoid Triggers: For individuals managing IBD or IBS, being mindful of triggers is crucial in preventing flare-ups that could lead to nocturnal disturbances.
  • Manage Blood Glucose Levels: For those with diabetes, keeping blood sugar in check is essential to prevent a cascade of symptoms, including nighttime bowel movements.

Tips to Prevent Sleep Distrupting Bowel Movements - Jonathan Bailor

Seeking Professional Guidance

While many cases of nocturnal diarrhea resolve with time and self-care, persistence beyond a couple of days signals the need for medical intervention. It’s not just about managing an uncomfortable symptom—prolonged diarrhea can signal more complex health issues and lead to dehydration.

Engaging with a healthcare provider ensures a comprehensive understanding of the underlying causes and the most effective treatment path tailored to your unique situation.

In this journey towards reclaiming the night, remember that the combination of self-awareness, practical measures, and professional insight can illuminate the path to well-being and uninterrupted sleep.

Frequently Asked Poop Questions

What Are 7 types of poop?

  • Type 1: Separate hard lumps, like nuts (challenging to pass and can be black)
  • Type 2: Sausage-shaped, but lumpy
  • Type 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface (can be black)
  • Type 4: Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft (average stool)
  • Type 5: Soft blobs with clear-cut edges
  • Type 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool (diarrhea)
  • Type 7: Watery, no solid pieces, entirely liquid (diarrhea)

The Bristol Stool Chart categorizes types of poop one encounters. This chart is a generalized indicator of how or why different types of poops look and feel a certain way. The 7 types of poop are broken up into categories based on a 2,000-person study!

 Should you ever worry about your poop?

Always consult your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about what your poop means. People are asked to call their healthcare providers if: they experience severe levels of abdominal pain or discomfort with diarrhea that does not go away when they poop or fart. Also, if diarrhea is accompanied by a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, chills, vomiting, or fainting, call your physician immediately.

What is an unhealthy poop?

An unhealthy poop is when one poops too often (hence, your doctor asking you if you poop more than three times daily) or not pooping often enough (As such, less than three times a week) and also excessive straining when pooping. Poop that is colored red, black, green, yellow, or white or greasy or fatty stools are unhealthy.

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Could You Use Some Help With Poop Control?

Pooping in your sleep happens sometimes. But it doesn’t need to control your life. Though fixing your poop issues could seem hopeless at times, it’s easier than you may think. You can improve regularity and enjoy complete satisfying poops with a patented molecule that is backed by Harvard doctors! Click here to learn more about this groundbreaking poop fix formula and to place your order TODAY.”

Help fix so many of your digestive and bathroom issues, such as gas and bloating and improve your overall health with this patented molecule that is backed by Harvard Doctor’s by clicking here!

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A cartoon image of the poo doctor on a multi-colored background with text that reads "Well, color me poopy!"
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A cartoon image of the poop doctor with text that reads "coffee poop."
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