5 SANE Diet Review(s) + Making the SANE Diet Work for You

An image of a 3 faces drawn in green, orange, and red marker respectively, with a check mark beside the green face.3 faces drawn on paperEveryone wants to know if a product they’re thinking of purchasing or trying really works, or if it is just a waste of time and/or money. Though they may read and listen to advertisements and product facts from the manufacturer or creator of the product, nothing is more persuasive than customer reviews. We have hundreds of SANE Diet reviews, many of them written by people just like you, people who have struggled with weight issues for years, perhaps even their entire lives.

We cannot include all of the SANE Diet reviews we have received in this article, of course, as that would be far too many for you to read at one sitting. So, we have selected 5 astonishing SANE success stories to share with you here. We had intended to just review these SANE Diet reviews. But after reading the many amazing stories, we realized just recapping these success stories wouldn’t be enough for you. We realized that you’d probably want to know how YOU can make the SANE Diet work for you, that you’d want to know everything about the SANE Diet and weight loss plan.

So, we’ve decided to cover the SANE Diet in-depth in this article and intersperse it with 5 SANE Diet reviews. Sound good? Ready to get started? Okay. We’ve got so much information we’re excited to share with you, and so little space and time.

Let’s begin with a SANE Diet review.

SANE Diet Review #1: Sam lost an astonishing 168 pounds and beat diabetes with SANE!

Sam is a 67-year-old construction manager and former NFL player with the San Francisco 49ers. He had been a classic yo-yo dieter most of his life, losing and gaining 100-200 pounds frequently.

Like most people who struggle with their weight, he could never seem to get his weight under control, and he tried everything. In desperation, he even tried lap band surgery. The surgery was a dismal failure, almost costing Sam his life. In early 2016, he was 120 pounds overweight.

It all caught up with him in May of 2017 when his doctor diagnosed him with diabetes,  a chronic condition that develops when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin or when the body is unable to effectively use insulin. Obesity is the number 1 risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

Sam was all too familiar with diabetes. His older brother had his leg amputated because of this disease. Sam considered this diagnosis to be a “death sentence,” and he decided to do whatever it took to lose weight.

He immediately went on a calorie-restricted diet, eating oatmeal, grapes, fiber bars, etc. But he only lost a pound or half a pound a week, which is extremely slow for a man. Fortunately, his fiancee, Maggie Greenwood Robinson, author of Control Diabetes in 6 Easy Steps and dozens of other diet and nutrition books, came to his rescue.

Maggie had worked with SANE, knew it had validity and put Sam on the program. He dropped 4 to 5 pounds a week consistently. Sam no longer ate oatmeal for breakfast. Instead, he ate egg whites and omelets. He loved eating SANEly and never veered off the diet plan. By February 2018, Sam had dropped 85 pounds.

And here’s the best part. His doctor declared him “diabetes-free,” the first time in 35 years of practice he had ever seen diabetes healed. Now 168 pounds lighter than his top weight, Sam tells everyone about the SANE Diet plan, how it works, and how it saved his life.

Click here to read Sam’s amazing SANE Diet Review.

The futility of calorie counting

Notice how counting calories didn’t help Sam lose weight even after his diabesity diagnosis? This is not unusual.

Has counting calories and starvation dieting ever really helped you? Be honest now. How many starvation diets have you tried? (By starvation diets, we mean calorie-restrictive diets, not fasting.) What happened? If you’re like most people who have issues with their weight, you probably lost 10 or so pounds fairly quickly. Before long, however, the weight loss slowed down to barely a pound a week, if that!

Meanwhile, you were hungry, weak, and grouchy. You couldn’t think clearly. All you could think about was food, and the longer the diet continued, the more intensely you thought about food. And you weren’t thinking about vegetables, either. You were craving chips and doughnuts and candy and pasta and soda.

Sooner or later, you fell off the diet because you couldn’t take the hunger and temptation any longer. Whether you lost some weight or all the weight you intended to lose, you were thankful and eager to eat “real” food again. And what happened when you started eating normally again? That’s right. You gained all the weight back you had lost, plus a few extra pounds.

It’s depressing and frustrating. Every time a diet failed, you probably blamed yourself. You didn’t know what you did wrong and why calorie counting didn’t work for you. You feel helpless and hopeless, yet desperate to lose weight. After all, you are painfully aware of the health issues that being overweight or obese can cause.

Health complications of obesity

Though any amount of extra fat can increase the risk of health problems, having an excessive amount of fat significantly increases these risks. Obesity, a condition in which a person weighs more than 20% above a healthy weight, significantly increases the risk of many health conditions, including:

  • Abnormal cholesterol levels
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Gallstones
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver problems
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep apnea
  • Stroke
  • Some cancers

SANE Diet Review #2: Cristina lost 45 pounds AND reversed her diabetes

Cristina was vulnerable to those obesity-related conditions. At 238 pounds and a body mass index (BMI) of 34, Cristina was classified as obese, and she knew she had to do something to get her weight under control. She had switched to a vegetarian diet to try to be healthier and lose weight. (Her vegetarian diet included veggies, of course, but excluded meat. She did consume eggs and dairy products, however.)

Cristina concedes that her new vegetarian diet was particularly “starch- and sugar-heavy,” which prevented her from losing weight. It also, Cristina says, probably accelerated her diagnosis of type 2 diabetes on February 1, 2012.

This diagnosis jolted Cristina into action. She knew she couldn’t eat the same foods she had been eating, but she didn’t know how to eat. Then she came upon Jonathan Bailor’s book The Smarter Science of Slim, where she read the details of the SANE diet.

Her mother was upset that Cristina couldn’t even eat pasta and grains on the SANE diet. Since, as a vegetarian, she wasn’t eating meat, her mother thought Cristina would starve to death. But Cristina carefully analyzed the diet and saw that SANE emphasizes non-starchy veggies. All of the other foods on the SANE diet fit into a vegetarian lifestyle, as well. Though increasing your lean protein intake is an important part of SANE, this protein does not have to come from meat. Plain nonfat Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and other SANE foods are terrific non-meat sources of protein.

Cristina went totally SANE. In 3 months, she lost 45 pounds, and her doctor took her off her diabetes medication. Her cholesterol levels, for which she was on medication, also dropped. Plus, after 5 years of trying, Cristina got pregnant!

Click here to read Cristina’s complete SANE Diet Review.

The problem with counting calories

You may have noticed that neither Sam nor Cristina mentioned counting calories in their SANE Diet reviews. There is a reason for that. The SANE Diet does not focus on counting calories or points because this method does not work for long-term weight loss. That’s right. All those diets you tried failed precisely because starvation dieting does not work. It actually makes the problem worse and leads to yo-yo dieting.

The calorie-deficit theory of weight loss is based on the premise that you must consume fewer calories than you’re burning to lose weight. In other words, you must starve your body to lose weight. And there is truth to this theory. You will — and probably have many times — lost weight on a starvation diet. But your body fights back against what it thinks is actual starvation. Your cells need a certain amount of nutrition to survive and thrive. When you reduce calories while eating low-quality foods, your body goes on emergency alert.

Hormones signal the brain that you’re not receiving enough nutrition. The brain releases hormones to keep you from starving to death. These hormones make you hungry, weak, and cold. They make you irritable. They even make you lethargic, so you’ll sit around the house rather than engage in any activity, thus conserving calories.

And it gets worse. Certain hormones slow your metabolism and inhibit fat burning. They send most of the calories you consume to your fat stores and direct your body to burn muscle instead of fat. This makes losing weight via starvation dieting a long, tedious, torturous process. Your body fights your weight-loss efforts every step of the way.

Once you go off the diet, it makes sure you gain back every pound you lost and then some. Your body always tries to bring you back to your setpoint weight.

The way to a positive SANE Diet Review? Lower your setpoint weight!

There is an invisible force inside you that conspires to hold onto those extra pounds. This invisible force has nothing to do with calories, points, mail-order meals, or any of the traditional diet nonsense you’ve been fed.

What is truly holding you back is setpoint weight. This is something you can control, and when you learn the secrets to lowering your setpoint weight, you’ll stay naturally thin. Lowering setpoint weight is the secret of permanent weight-loss success for all who wrote positive SANE Diet reviews. It will do the same for you.

So what exactly IS setpoint weight?

Setpoint weight is the level of fat your body works to maintain regardless of how many calories you consume or what type of diets you try. It’s the weight your body hovers around, within a 10-15 pound range. Your body is designed to automatically stabilize your weight the same way it automatically stabilizes your body temperature and blood pressure. With respect to your weight, your brain, digestive system, and hormones talk to each other through several feedback loops to synchronize the activities that automatically maintain body fat at a specified level (setpoint weight).

Think of the biological feedback system that establishes your setpoint, like the thermostat in your house. Thanks to the thermostat, your heating or air-conditioning system respond to the weather outside and keep your home at whatever temperature the thermostat “thinks” it should be at. Similarly, your setpoint stimulates or suppresses your appetite and raises or lowers your metabolism in response to how much fat it “thinks” you should store.

Having a calorie deficit is necessary to lose weight, but it’s not your job to count calories to create that deficit. Instead, your body does it for you, eventually lowering your setpoint weight when you eat high-quality calories. (More about that below.)

The only way you can permanently lose weight is to lower your setpoint weight. Losing weight will then be effortless.

Learn the exact foods you must eat if you want to finally lose weight permanently. Click here to download your FREE Weight Loss Recipes, the “Eat More, Lose More” Weight Loss Recipes, the “Slim in 6” Cheat Sheet…CLICK HERE TO GET FREE WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES & GUIDES

SANE Diet Review # 3: Christine lost 100 pounds without starvation dieting or cardio workouts!

Christine’s SANE Diet review is a powerful testament to how effective lowering your setpoint weight is for permanent weight loss.

The struggle with her weight began when she was involved in a severe car accident that nearly took her life. She sustained a broken neck and had to endure months of convalescence, leading to a considerable amount of weight gain. At one time, Christine weighed 278 pounds and wore a size 4x. She had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, high blood pressure, and headaches. She knew her weight was negatively affecting her health, but she didn’t know what to do about it.  Traditional dieting wasn’t working, and neither was exercise. (Christine was very physically active, even holding a multiple-degree black belt in martial arts.)

She went in search of real, workable answers to her weight issues. One day, she started listening to Jonathan Bailor’s podcast, called the Smarter Science of Slim. Jonathan Bailor is the author of The New York Times bestseller, The Calorie Myth, and the creator of the SANE Diet. As she was listening to the podcast, Christine says, “things started to click.”

Christine started eating SANE foods, and the results speak for themselves. She has lost 100 pounds. Today, she is a fit 176 pounds, wearing a size 10 medium. She also feels great. She has no more problems with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Her blood pressure is normal, and she no longer suffers from headaches.

She is now a proud SANE coach, helping other people lower their setpoint weight and reach their fat loss goals. Click here to read Christine’s SANE Diet Review.

Factors that elevate setpoint weight

The trauma, stress, and enforced inactivity of Christina’s car accident helped elevate her setpoint weight. Though the body is designed to regulate your weight at a healthy level, it cannot do this job if the system is broken.

When the system is broken, your hormones cannot send correct signals to your brain. Because your brain doesn’t know how much fat you have or need, it becomes confused. But because its mission is to make sure you have enough fat to survive, it errs on the side of giving you too much fat rather than giving you too little. Your setpoint goes up, and this becomes the new weight your body defends.

Everything you do affects your setpoint weight, either negatively or positively. But the three main reasons for an elevated setpoint weight are poor-quality diet, stress, and sleep deprivation.

Poor-quality diet

A poor-quality diet is one in which the majority of calories come from heavily processed foods, starchy carbs, and sugars. This is what many people consider to be the Standard American Diet — for good reason.

One recent research study found more than 60% of the calories in the average American’s diet come from heavily processed foods. Heavily processed foods are manufactured to look, smell, and taste like real food, but they are not real food. They have little to no fiber and nutrients, and they contain massive amounts of chemicals, sugars, and sodium. This same study found more than 90% of our added sugar intake comes from these heavily processed foods.

Obviously, cutting back or eliminating heavily processed foods would go a long way toward lowering your setpoint weight.


Though stress does not have calories, it can definitely elevate your setpoint weight. When you’re stressed, your endocrine glands release cortisol into your bloodstream. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone, and among its many functions is triggering the release of insulin to get glucose into cells for the energy to fight or flee the threat.

Your body’s reaction to short-term stress is an automatic survival instinct/response, meaning all you need to do is feel stressed, and the body takes over. The body considers short-term stress life-threatening, and it goes into overdrive immediately. Once the crisis ends and the glucose is burned off, a relaxation response gradually returns the body’s systems to normal.

The problem is that your body responds to all stresses in the same way. If you had an argument with your spouse, are having financial problems, or your boss is driving you crazy, your body reacts as if it needs to save your life.

This is dangerous because chronic sources of stress cause your body to keep releasing cortisol. And because cortisol prompts the release of insulin, this fat-storage hormone stays elevated, too. Plus, psychological stress does not burn off glucose. All of these elevate setpoint weight. In addition, elevated cortisol levels cause an accumulation of dangerous visceral belly fat that can lead to numerous health problems, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Sleep deprivation

Most people do not get the amount of sleep they should get for their health and for proper weight control. People are so busy these days that sleep often falls by the wayside. This is unfortunate because many studies show sleep deprivation contributes to weight gain.

Sleep deprivation has been shown to dysregulate hormones governing appetite and willpower. Research indicates those who are tired also tend to eat more food, and they choose to eat more sugary, starchy carbs than their well-rested peers. Sleep deprivation also increases levels of cortisol in the blood, leading to an accumulation of belly fat.

SANE Diet Review # 4: Robert lost 100 pounds by eating MORE, but smarter

There are a few easy ways to lower your setpoint weight. The very best way to lower your setpoint weight is to eat more high-quality foods and fewer low-quality ones. In this SANE Diet Review, Robert discusses how he lost 100 pounds just by using this method.

At his heaviest, Robert weighed 360 pounds. He wasn’t nonchalant about being heavy, either. He hated being heavy and tried almost every diet out there. Like most dieters, he found that starvation dieting didn’t work for him. He could live on a 1,200-per-day diet for a little while, but sooner or later, he’d break down and start eating everything in sight.

And any time he lost weight, he gained it all back within a year. His situation seemed hopeless…until he read Jonathan Bailor’s book about the SANE Diet and decided to give it a try. Within 9 months, Robert was down 100 pounds.

The secret to Robert’s SANE success? He says SANE is working for him because he gets to eat whenever he is hungry. The difference is that he eats high-quality foods, which allows him to eat more food than he did before while still losing weight. And he’s not hungry anymore.

Click here to read Robert’s amazing SANE Diet Review.

Easy ways to lower your setpoint weight

Here are a few of the easiest ways to lower your setpoint weight.

Improve the quality of the diet.

To lower your setpoint weight, it is crucial to focus on the quality of calories you put in your body, not the quantity. If you get what to eat right, how much will take care of itself? You see, not all calories are created equal. They work differently in the body depending on which foods they come from.

The quality of calories varies widely and is determined by four factors: Satiety, Aggression, Nutrition, and Efficiency.

  • Satiety: How quickly calories fill you up.
  • Aggression: How likely calories are to be stored as body fat.
  • Nutrition: How many vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, etc. that calories provide,
  • Efficiency: How easily calories are converted to body fat.

SANE foods fill you up quickly and keep you satisfied for a long time while they help to balance your hormones, reduce neurological inflammation, and heal your gut thanks to the therapeutic levels of essential nutrients they provide.

The more high-quality SANE foods you eat, the lower your setpoint weight. You will also love SANE foods, and you will never be hungry or feel deprived. All your favorite tastes, flavors, and textures are available in abundance!

The SANE Diet is simple. All you need to do is concentrate on eating more SANE foods and fewer inSANE foods such as starchy carbs, sugars, and heavily processed foods.

The SANE setpoint diet

Here are the 4 main SANE food groups.

Non-starchy vegetables

10+ servings per day. Fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables at each meal.

Examples include:

  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Endive
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Tomato

Nutrient-dense protein

3-5 servings per day, 30-55 grams per meal.

Examples include:

  • Cottage Cheese
  • Egg Whites
  • Grass-Fed Beef
  • Nonfat Greek Yogurt
  • Salmon
  • Tuna

Whole-food fats

3-6 servings per day

Examples include:

  • Almonds
  • Chia Seeds
  • Cocoa/Cacao
  • Coconut
  • Flax Seeds
  • Macadamias

Low-fructose fruit

0-3 servings per day

Examples include:

  • Blueberries
  • Cherries
  • Goji Berries
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries

An image of a street that reads success at the top and stress at the bottom, with a read line through the word stress.Reduce stress

To lower your setpoint weight, try to participate in at least one stress-reducing activity daily. It doesn’t have to be difficult or take up a lot of your time, either. Here are a few stress-reducing ideas to get you started.

  • Seated meditation
  • Walking meditation
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Walking in the park
  • Leisurely biking
  • Meeting friends for dinner
  • Going out to a movie
  • Watching a marathon of your favorite sitcoms
  • Playing with your dog
  • Take up a hobby

Improve the Amount and Quality of Sleep

To lower your setpoint weight, try to get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. Here are some tips to help you get enough quality sleep:

  • Go to bed at night and arise at the same time each morning, even on the weekends. Being consistent keeps your sleep schedule on track.
  • Don’t eat or drink anything a couple of hours before bedtime. The digestive process can interfere with a good night’s sleep.
  • Make sure your bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet. Studies show this type of environment is more conducive to a good night’s sleep.
  • Exercise regularly during the day, as this can promote better sleep. (Exercise need not be a formal exercise program. Rather, leisurely walking, bike riding, playing catch, etc. qualifies as exercise.) Be careful not to exercise right before bedtime, however, as the stimulation can keep you from falling asleep.
  • Avoid looking at bright screens 1-2 hours before bedtime. The blue light emitted from your phone, television, computer, or tablet can significantly disrupt sleep as they interfere with your brain’s production of melatonin.

SANE Diet Review #5: Jessica was nearly wheelchair-bound — until she found SANE

Jessica inherited the tendency toward obesity and its associated diseases. She had lost relatives in their 40s to heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and other conditions. Still…she had been tall and skinny until the family’s love of sweets spilled over to her, and she started gaining weight.

At 11 years old, Jessica began her weight-loss journey. Countless diets. Exercise programs. Taking diet pills. Her weight-loss battle continued into adulthood. But it intensified after the birth of her two children. Jessica gained a lot of weight with each pregnancy. After giving birth, she went on a starvation diet — eating only 800 calories per day — to shed those pounds.

And what happened after she lost those pounds? Jessica discovered she would gain all that weight back if she ever started eating “normally” again. The only way for her to maintain her weight loss was to consume 1,200 to 1,400 calories per day, and that is almost impossible to do consistently.

By the time she was 58 years old, Jessica had high blood pressure and thyroid disease. She had undergone heart surgery and was pre-diabetic. She also suffered from advanced degenerative disc disease, which threatened to make her wheelchair-bound within a few years.

Fortunately, Jessica discovered Jonathan Bailor’s book, The Calorie Myth. She followed the diet and exercise recommendations. After only 3 months, Jessica says she is in better health than she has ever been.

Now 64 years old, Jessica and her husband are now retired and traveling the world. It is hard to believe she was ready for a wheelchair such a short time ago! Click here to read Jessica’s inspiring SANE Diet Review.

These are just a few of the amazing SANE Diet Reviews that have been sent to us. Would you like to be the next SANE success story, writing your own SANE Diet Review? Simply start out slowly, replacing inSANE foods with SANE foods, and you’ll be amazed at the difference it will make in your life.

Next step: Enjoy SANE Diet Review(s) to encourage you on your weight-loss journey 

Ready to finally break free from the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster by balancing your hormones and lowering your body’s setpoint weight?

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