5 Sane Solution Reviews: They Did it and So Can You

An image of a green, a yellow, and a red face drawn on a chalkboard with a check mark beside the smiling face.Have you read any of the SANE Solution Reviews? If not, you really should head over there and read them soon. In this article, we not only include reviews from 5 SANE successes, but we also explain how you can lose weight permanently, reverse many chronic diseases, and feel great — effortlessly!

We’ll start with one of our favorite SANE Solution Reviews.

SANE Solution Review #1: with SANE, Travette transforms her body, mind, and spirit

Travette’s experience with her weight is one almost every frustrated dieter can identify with. After graduating high school, Travette noticed that her weight kept going up and up. To counter it, she tried the same weight-loss advice we’ve all tried — eat less and exercise more — and she lost 33 pounds. But she gained all that weight back, plus an additional 22 pounds!

No matter what Travette did, she could not lose any weight long-term. At her heaviest, she weighed 302 pounds. One of the reasons for her most recent weight gain was undoubtedly the stress over her husband’s chronic health problems. (Stress is one of the main factors that elevate setpoint weight. More about that later.) Plus, as Travette admitted, food became her way of comforting herself.

Constant stress over her husband’s health put her in the hospital with a heart rate of over 200. Her heart turned out to be fine, but this event made Travette decide she needed to be in better health to care for her husband. The release of Jonathan Bailor’s book, The Calorie Myth, came at the perfect time for her.

In The Calorie Myth, Travette read about the SANE Solution approach to permanent weight loss, and she was amazed. Everything made so much sense to her, but she couldn’t believe it could be so easy. She even prepared herself for the disappointment that almost all of us have experienced after trying a diet that ultimately failed. She dived in, though, never veering from SANE foods, never eating inSANE ones.

Travette’s SANE Solution Review: It really works!

Travette was not disappointed. Within a year, she had lost 66 pounds, going from a size 22/24 to a 14/16. She also noticed a transformation in her health. Before SANE, her joints ached, and she often felt fatigued. At times she even felt mentally fuzzy. In just a short time after eating SANEly, she noticed all those symptoms were gone. Her aches and pains are now gone, and she has loads of energy.

Though going 100% SANE worked for Travette, she knew she couldn’t maintain such strictness in her diet long term. So, she cut herself some slack. She decided to “maintain the fundamentals of a SANE lifestyle” while not beating herself up for eating something inSANE. And she is no longer a prisoner of the scale, gleefully ignoring those numbers.

Travette credits SANE with not only helping her lose weight permanently but also with boosting her confidence. SANE was the solution she needed to shift her focus from wanting to be thin to fit into other people’s ideals of beauty to valuing being strong and healthy. Being on SANE has improved the quality of her life mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Click here to read Travette’s amazing SANE Solution Review!

SANE Solution: a diet AND a lifestyle

As Travette discovered, SANE Solution is unlike any diet you’ve ever tried. In fact, it is not a diet at all. It is a lifestyle change designed to make you a better, more vibrant version of yourself. Losing weight isn’t even the main goal of SANE Solution, though it is a welcome side-effect of the plan. Rather, the goal is to be happy, no matter what you look like. It is to be happy no matter what you weigh and no matter your perceived faults.

Many people believe being happy with themselves makes change unlikely. They believe such self-acceptance destroys any motivation to change their lives, that it says they are okay with being who they are.

Self-acceptance isn’t any of those things. It is not saying you approve of being overweight or out of shape. It is not saying you’re okay with having obesity-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. And it definitely is not saying continuing to eat starchy carbs, sugary treats, and other inSANE foods is okay.

Rather, self-acceptance is simply an acknowledgment of what is, without value judgment. Only by accepting what is — instead of resisting it — can you make lasting change. And only by loving and accepting yourself can you choose dietary and lifestyle habits that will nourish the high-quality person you are!

The negativity of traditional dieting programs

This is much different than the traditional dieting approach that tells you to focus on the negative, on what you don’t want. Don’t eat that piece of cake! Don’t eat more than 1,200 calories per day! And by the way, the unspoken message of most traditional weight-loss plans is that there is something wrong with you. You need to lose weight to look like this or that celebrity, this or that bodybuilder.

Just look at the magazine and TV ads for exercise and weight-loss programs. They are filled with thin, muscular, impossibly perfect people. Never mind that these people don’t look that “perfect” in person. Makeup can do a lot, as can trick photography, photoshopping, and airbrushing.

Most of the advertisements for these programs tell you in big bold letters that you can lose 30 or more pounds in a very short period of time, and they present testimonials of people who have done just that. Of course, in the microscopically small print at the bottom of the page or the TV screen, it says, “Results not typical.” Then it usually tells you what the average weight loss actually is, which is maybe 3 pounds per month or something like that. As long as they state the truth somewhere in the advertisement, they can get away with making outlandish claims about their product. And they do, and people believe it.

But the only way to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time is by starvation dieting, and even then, you won’t lose as much weight as the calorie deficit theory of weight loss says you’ll lose. Plus, the weight loss will only be short-term.

Before we explain why starvation dieting doesn’t work long-term, here’s another SANE Solution Review for you to ponder.

SANE Solution Review #2: SANE helped Carrie reverse age-related weight gain

When she was young, Carrie Brown had been one of those lucky, naturally thin women. She could eat anything she wanted, any time she wanted, without worrying about gaining any weight. She didn’t even exercise. Carrie even maintained her trim physique after becoming one of the best pastry chefs in England. (We just know she had to have sampled all the decadent pastries she prepared!)

But when she reached her late thirties, everything changed. Her lifestyle stayed the same. Her diet stayed the same — and she still had not joined a gym. However, the body that had once kept her naturally slim no longer seemed to be doing its job. She quickly started gaining weight. Carrie didn’t know it at the time, but her hormones and setpoint were changing, something that happens to all of us as we age. This doesn’t mean Carrie was destined to be heavier for the remainder of her life. What it does mean is that a different approach — a SANE Solution approach — is needed to regulate the hormones and lower the setpoint weight.

Carrie visited a doctor who advises her to drink only weight-loss shakes and exercise like crazy for two weeks to prove she could control her weight. But all it proved is how miserable starvation dieting could make her feel. She says she was constantly tired, hungry, and couldn’t think clearly. This affected her personal and professional life. When she stepped on the scale two weeks later, she couldn’t believe it — after all that misery, she hadn’t lost any weight. She knew starvation dieting wasn’t the answer, so she began looking for the best way to lose weight long-term and discovered SANE Solution.

Carrie’s SANE Solution Review conclusion: She can eat all she wants without gaining weight

She was immediately attracted to SANE because she could eat “real” foods on it, and since there are SANE substitutions for almost every inSANE food or ingredient, Carrie was still able to prepare delicious meals. Plus, she was never hungry.

With SANE Solution, Carrie lost all the weight she had gained, going from a size 8 to a size 2 — despite being 40+ years old! Her LDL cholesterol also dropped 100 points.

Click here to read Carrie’s SANE Solution Review.

Learn the exact foods you must eat if you want to finally lose weight permanently. Click here to download your FREE Weight Loss Recipes, the “Eat More, Lose More” Weight Loss Recipes, the “Slim in 6” Cheat Sheet…CLICK HERE TO GET FREE WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES & GUIDES

Why starvation dieting doesn’t work

Carrie found out the hard way that starvation dieting doesn’t work. Two weeks of drinking diet shakes and exercising didn’t even make the scale move. How can this happen when the calorie-deficit theory of weight loss all but guarantees a weight loss of X number of pounds if you deprive your body of X number of calories per week?

It happened — and happens to everyone on traditional, starvation-type calorie-restrictive diets — because the calorie-deficit theory is incorrect in the way it is being taught and practiced. Although a calorie deficit is necessary to lose weight, focusing on the number of calories is the wrong approach.

Research shows to lose weight long term, you need to focus on the quality, not the number of calories you consume. This is because, contrary to popular belief, a calorie is not the same as every other calorie. Calories affect the body differently depending on the foods from which they come.

To prove this point, take a pen and piece of paper and write down how you feel after eating each of these meals a day apart.

The first day: A large plate of pasta topped with marinara sauce. 2 pieces of garlic bread on the side.

The second day: A 6-ounce piece of steak and a side of asparagus sauteed in olive oil.

Write down how you felt immediately following eating each of these meals and for hours afterward.

The calorie effect: starchy carbs

How did you feel after eating your pasta dinner? You likely felt a jolt of energy immediately after eating it, but it didn’t take long for you to start feeling groggy. You may have felt sluggish and felt like taking a nap.

The calories from your pasta dinner had this effect on you because of the large number of starchy carbohydrates you consumed. When you eat starchy carbs, especially if they are refined, they are digested and converted to glucose quickly. The glucose is then dumped into your bloodstream all at once.

The pancreas releases the hormone insulin to clear this excess glucose from your bloodstream. Insulin has to take the glucose to your cells quickly before the glucose builds up to dangerous levels. Normally, this is not a problem for insulin. But if a large amount of glucose pours into the bloodstream all at once, insulin does not have time to take it to your regular cells. Instead, it sends it to your fat cells. Your fat cells always open up for more glucose because part of their job is to save your life from a toxic glucose overload.

In about 30 minutes after consuming that pasta meal, you felt groggy and sluggish because of the rapid drop in blood glucose levels caused by insulin rapidly clearing the glucose from your bloodstream. There is also another issue that will crop up soon…you’ll start getting hungry again. Starchy carbs do not fill you up fast or keep you full for a long time, and it’s all because of the surges of insulin they cause.

The calorie effect: protein and non-starchy vegetables

How did you feel after eating your steak dinner? Well, it took you longer to eat this one than the pasta dinner because there’s a lot of chewing going on. Both the steak and asparagus require a considerable amount of chewing, which burns more calories.

The steak dinner probably filled you up so fast that you may not have been able to finish the entire meal. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is that it takes the stomach about 20 minutes to signal the brain that you’re full. The increased time you spent chewing your food gave your brain time to receive this signal.

The second is that protein signals your short- and long-term satiety signals, and the fibrous asparagus expanded in your stomach. It stays in the digestive tract for a long time while it tries to digest it. Since fiber cannot be digested, it is eventually eliminated — but not before your body burns a lot of calories attempting to digest it. The result? You became full quickly and stayed full for hours. This almost guarantees you will unconsciously consume fewer calories for the rest of the day. (And don’t forget you also burned more calories eating and digesting your steak dinner than you did your pasta dinner.)

Our next SANE success knows all about the frustration of calorie-deficit dieting.

SANE Solution Review #3: Shane stopped counting calories and lost 125 pounds on SANE

Like most of us, Shane believed what he was taught about weight loss: calories in equal calories out, and you must create a calorie deficit to lose weight. At 400 pounds, he knew he had to lose weight.

So, he went on calorie-restricted diets, losing just 10-25 pounds at a time. He also tried exercising — jogging 2 miles every other day and lifting dumbells the other days — another component of the calorie-deficit theory of weight loss. He lost only about 25 pounds before hitting a weight-loss plateau.

In 3-4 months of his dieting/exercise routine, he had lost only 25 pounds, an extremely small weight loss for a man. He visited his doctor to see if he had a thyroid issue. After doing lab tests, the doctor determined Shane’s thyroid was fine. He suggested Shane go on a whole-food diet. That’s when he came across Jonathan Bailor’s book, The Smarter Science of Slim, which detailed the principles of SANE Solution.

He was amazed at what he read in The Smarter Science of Slim. It showed him he needed to look at his diet as a lifestyle change, not simply as a diet. He switched over to SANE eating, and he has not looked back. He has lost 125 pounds and feels great. Sure, he still has “inSANE” days, but it hasn’t prevented him from getting back to SANE eating.

To read more of Shane’s incredible story, click here.

If not cutting calories…then what?

The calorie deficit treats the metabolism like a scale, where calories in = calories out, but the metabolism is actually like a thermostat.

You see, your brain, digestive system, and hormones talk to one another through various feedback loops to synchronize the activities that automatically maintain body fat and blood sugar at a specific level, otherwise known as your setpoint.

What is a body weight setpoint?

The setpoint model is based on the concept of a genetically determined weight range that is regulated by biological signals. The body is equipped with a regulatory system that maintains a steady-state level or set point. According to the set point principle, your weight may fluctuate temporarily, but it will eventually revert to its typical range. The signaling mechanism aids in weight maintenance.

Here’s an analogy that may help you understand how a body weight setpoint works. Think of the biological feedback system that establishes your setpoint as being like the thermostat in your house. Thanks to the thermostat, your heating or air-conditioning system respond to the weather outside and keep your home at whatever temperature the thermostat “thinks” it should be at. Similarly, your setpoint stimulates or suppresses your appetite and raises or lowers your metabolism in response to how much fat it “thinks” you should store.

If you decide to go on a starvation diet, your body goes on emergency alert. It makes you extremely hungry, so you’ll eat more food, and it slows your metabolism to conserve your calories. It also suppresses your body’s fat-burning mechanism, directing it to burn muscle for energy instead. Plus, most of the calories you consume on a starvation diet go directly to your fat stores because your body wants to make sure you have enough fat to survive this famine!

You’ll never lose weight long-term with a starvation diet, either. As soon as you go off the diet, you’ll gain most or all of it back, plus several more pounds.

The science is clear: the only way to lose weight long term is to lower your setpoint weight, what your body “thinks” you should weigh. The body will then strive to keep you at that lower setpoint weight.

That’s exactly what Mike Tickle, who wrote one of the SANE Solution Reviews, did.

SANE Solution Review #4: Mike lost 66 pounds by eating more food!

In 2002, Mike wanted to lose weight for his wedding, which was a year away. He tried eating less and exercising more. He tried just eating healthier. None of them helped him lose weight. He went to see a dietitian, and even after following the instructions to the letter — which involved limiting his calorie intake and increasing his activity level — he still wasn’t losing weight. (Poor Mike was even cycling 50 miles per day.)

Finally, Mike started the Weight Watchers diet plan. Despite being hungry all the time, Mike used every bit of willpower and determination to stay on this diet until his wedding. He succeeded and lost 50 pounds.

Eventually, Mike gained all that weight back and then some. He kept trying various weight-loss and exercise programs, but he couldn’t seem to maintain any of them. In August 2012, he reached a weight that was the heaviest he had ever been. He tried a few more weight-loss strategies before coming across Jonathan Bailor’s Calorie Myth podcast, which described the principles of SANE Solution.

Within a year of starting the SANE Solution diet, Mike had lost 66 pounds while eating more than he had ever eaten before. He feels great, and he says he has found the secret to long-term weight loss, one that doesn’t involve deprivation, starvation, or calorie counting.

Click here to read more of Mike’s story!

How to lower your setpoint weight

There are three main things that raise setpoint weight: poor-quality diet, stress, and sleep deprivation. Lowering your setpoint weight involves a combination of improving the quality of your diet and your sleep and reducing your stress levels. We will cover the dietary strategies for lowering setpoint weight in this article.

The foods you’ll eat on SANE Solution are scientifically proven to heal hormones and lower your setpoint weight. Here are a few basic principles:

  • Eat foods high in water, protein, and fiber: These foods do not cause surges in blood sugar levels, they fill you up fast and keep you full longer, and they provide plenty of nutrition to your cells.
  • Eat more SANE foods: When you eat more SANE foods, you’ll automatically eat fewer inSANE ones. No willpower or struggle is necessary.
  • Eat more whole foods: You’ll find these foods on the perimeter of the grocery store.

The SANE Solution dietary plan

Images of an avocado, cherry tomatoes, a lemon, peppers, asparagus, and green onions on a wooden table. As our SANE Solution Reviews attest, this diet is easy to remember and incorporate into your life. Unlike other diet plans, we do not stipulate you must eat from a particular menu 7 days per week. Rather, we simply give you the good groups from which to choose, along with serving suggestions.

Don’t worry about counting calories because when you eat quality foods — as you’ll be eating on SANE Solution — the number of calories you consume will take care of itself. With your hormones and brain healed, your body will automatically balance calories in with calories out. You’ll also eat fewer calories than you did before, even though you’ll be eating more food.

Here are the 4 food groups:

Non-starchy vegetables

10+ servings per day. Fill half your plate with non-starchy veggies

Nutrient-dense protein

3-5 servings per day, 30-55 grams per day

Whole-food fats

3-6 servings per day

Low-fructose fruits

0-3 servings per day

Like others who wrote SANE Solution Reviews, Dr. Brittell had tremendous success with this diet.

SANE Solution Review: #5: Dr. Brittell healed her body with SANE

Despite knowing what causes obesity, Dr. Brittell gained 230 pounds. Her weight gain contributed to hypertension, fatty liver, gallstones, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and other health problems.

She tried many diets to lose this weight, but they were all variations of the calorie-deficit theory of weight loss. She went on a very low-calorie diet and worked out for at least 45 minutes a day. It didn’t help, and her dietitian accused her of lying about her food intake.

Then Dr. Brittell discovered SANE Solution and was sold. Within three weeks, her clothing was already looser, and she felt so much better. She wasn’t tired, cold, and hungry anymore. After a year, she had lost 35 pounds, and in 18 months, she’s lost 45 pounds. She’s adding muscle and losing fat effortlessly, all while eating delicious meals.

And here’s the best news…her blood sugar and cholesterol levels are normal, her joints are no longer painful, her fatty liver disease is gone, and she has almost more energy than she knows what to do with!

Read more of Dr. Brittell’s story here.

The SANE mindset

Lowering your setpoint and losing weight permanently is not just about the foods you eat. It is also about your mindset. Remember what we said earlier about self-acceptance?

Instead of struggling with bad habits, you can easily replace them with positive, health-promoting habits that lower your setpoint weight automatically and ensure you never suffer from obesity or the many obesity-related health conditions.

Here are a few tips to help you achieve a SANE mindset.

Progress versus perfection

Let go of the pressure to be perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist, and trying to obtain it — on a diet or in any other arena — just causes needless guilt, shame, and suffering. Instead, decide to get a little bit better each day. Before you know it, these small, sustainable successes will accumulate, and your setpoint weight will plummet.

Pursue positive, not negative, goals

We touched on this earlier, but it bears repeating. Most diet plans want you to focus on negative goals, ie, don’t eat sugar and starches. The problem is when you tell yourself NOT to do something, your brain automatically focuses on that thing. This makes temptations for forbidden foods very likely…and also very likely you’ll succumb.

To get your goals working for you, make sure they focus you on pursuing the positive, ie, eat MORE non-starchy vegetables and nutrient-dense protein. With this approach, your brain will automatically seek out those items you should eat.

Process goals over results goals

Telling yourself you’re going to lose 50 pounds, for instance, is a results goal. The problem with results goals is they focus on things you may not be able to control. They also take place in the future. A more effective strategy is to set process goals dealing with things you can control right now. For example, consuming 30 grams of protein with each meal.

If you achieve small process goals consistently, they eventually get you where you need to go. You are also less likely to get frustrated or give up because you haven’t yet met your weight loss goal.

Next step: Enjoy SANE Solution reviews – 5 success stories that can help you create your own success story with the SANE Plan

Ready to finally break free from the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster by balancing your hormones and lowering your body’s setpoint weight?

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