Setpoint Theory & Weight Loss

Lower Setpoint Weight

How to Lose Weight with Diet

Americans are hardcore dieters. Approximately 45 million people in the United States diet each year, yet two-thirds are still overweight. Why? Diets don’t work. They’re, as we like to call it, inSANE. Fortunately, there is a SANE way. By following the SANE principles, you will learn how to lose weight with diet and exercise. SANE: […]

An image of an attractive mature woman sitting on a beach.

Five Tips To Burn More Fat While Eating More Food

  “Moderate replacement of dietary carbohydrate with low-fat, high-protein foods in a diet containing a conventional level of fat significantly improved… cardiovascular risk profiles in healthy…subjects.”– B.M. Wolfe, University of Western Ontario A common assumption people have is that switching over to a healthier lifestyle means a lot more money and a lot more time […]

An image of a husband and wife sitting at a table on a deck with a glass of wine.

How Our Set-Point Rises

The set-point theory states that the body tries to maintain its weight within a preset range. But it’s more than just a theory; the existence of a body weight set-point has been proven in numerous studies. Our metabolism keeps us at our set point the same way it does everything else: hormones. The two most […]

An image of an attractive middle aged woman doing yoga outdoors.

Best Way to Cut Fat: 6 Simple Tips

You might think that you know the best way to cut fat, but do you? It might surprise you that there’s more to cutting fat than cutting calories. And you don’t have to run a marathon to cut fat, either. (Although, when you eat SANE foods, you’ll probably feel like running a marathon!) But the […]

An image of a brick wall with an oven built into it.

Your Set-Point Weight

  “The set-point theory of body weight regulation is based on a large body of empiric evidence.”– D.S. Weigle, University of Washington Our fat metabolism system automatically regulates our weight around a “set-point.” That set-point is why no matter how little we eat or how much we exercise, we generally end up weighing the same. […]

An image of a bowl of SANE Breakfast Recipe Orange Almond Cream.

How To Lower Your Set-Point Weight

  “Set-points are not fixed.”  –R.E. Keesey, University of Wisconsin What is setpoint weight? Set-point weight is the weight that our fat metabolism system automatically works to keep us at regardless of the number of calories we take in or exercise off. You can stray from your set-point weight temporarily by lowering the quantity of […]

An image of a man's bare bulging stomach beside a table with a hamburger sandwich and French fries.

Reduce Belly Fat – 6 Foods You Must Eat

How to Reduce Belly Fat Optimally   Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Whether he really said this doesn’t matter, but its truth is undeniable. Don’t you do the same thing — trying each new fad diet over and […]

An image of a mother and her two-year-old so cooking in the kitchen.

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Have you ever lost weight quickly by cutting calorie intake and exercising frequently? But the results didn’t last because the plan was too difficult to maintain. Maybe you’ve never tried to lose weight and are unhappy with what you see in the mirror, and you’re looking for an easy-to-follow natural solution to lose weight and […]