Lowering Your Setpoint For Weight Loss: Simple Methods, Lasting Results
Are you tired of yo-yo dieting? Are you “fed up” with a little weight loss here and there, only to gain a lot more back? What if you could end the yo-yo dieting cycle? How would you feel? What if we told you lowering your setpoint is the only way to do that? Well…that is exactly what we’re telling you.
We know this probably sounds unbelievable, just another weight loss promise that never delivers results. After all, how many times have you been through this? Like most people struggling with their weight, you’ve probably tried countless diets. Weight Watchers. Jenny Craig. The Grapefruit Diet. The Cabbage Soup Diet. Liquid diets of every type.
You’ve not only tried starving the weight off, but you’ve also tried exercising it off, too, with Richard Simmons, Jane Fonda, Billy Blanks, Denise Austin, Jillian Michaels, and other celebrity fitness “experts.” But it didn’t work.
No matter what you tried, it didn’t work. Oh, you lost weight on every diet you tried. You may have even lost 50 or 60 pounds. But the weight loss was never permanent. When you finally reached your goal weight — or could no longer endure the deprivation and hunger and incessant cravings — you dropped the diet and went back to eating “normal” foods.
You started gaining the weight back immediately. That 50 pounds that may have taken you a year to lose? You gained ALL of it back within 6 months. (Actually, you gained 60 pounds back, leaving you worse off than when you starting the diet!) All the effort and willpower and misery you endured for a year, down the drain.
Weight Loss Failure
You felt like a failure. You probably also felt shame, blamed yourself, felt everyone else looking at you with judgment. The experts make it sound so easy. Just eat less and exercise more, they say. But you’ve done that time and again, and permanent weight loss has always eluded you. What are you missing? Well, first off…
Nor are you alone. Did you know traditional diets have more than a 95% failure rate? Did you know that more than 95% of dieters regain all the weight they lost and then some within 3 years? Are we to believe that all of these dedicated, driven, intelligent individuals failed every one of the diets they tried?
They didn’t fail any of those diets, and neither did you. Those diets failed — and continue to fail — everyone who tries them.
This is unfortunate and even tragic because, for millions of people, weight loss is necessary for their survival.
Why Lowering Your Setpoint for Weight Loss is Necessary for Your Health
According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 70% of U.S. adults are overweight or obese. More than one-third (36.5%) are obese. Though carrying any extra weight increases the risk of health problems, research shows that obesity significantly increases these risks.
Some of the health conditions associated with obesity include:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol Levels
- Heart Disease
- Kidney Disease
- Stroke
- Gallbladder Disease
- Osteoarthritis
- Some Cancers
- Gout
- Sleep Apnea
Many of these health conditions are epidemics in their own right. For instance, the Centers for Disease Control reports 100 million Americans are living with either diabetes or prediabetes. (Obesity is the biggest risk factor for type 2 diabetes.)
Meanwhile, heart disease is the number 1 killer of both men and women. An estimated 30 million U.S. adults suffer from chronic kidney disease, one of the most common complications of diabetes.
Obviously, having a method that guarantees permanent weight loss would significantly reduce the number of illnesses and deaths from all the obesity-related health conditions. Lowering your setpoint for weight loss is the way to do that, and we’re going to show you how. And we have good news for you…
Lowering Your Setpoint is Not About Calorie Counting
That’s right. Calorie counting is NOT a factor in lowering your setpoint. Neither is starvation, deprivation, or shame. In fact, these methods are the exact reasons why all those other diets failed you. You see, starvation dieting doesn’t work for long-term weight loss!
Those diets treat all calories the same. As long as you stay within your calorie limit, many of these diets teach, you can eat anything you want. The problem is that all calories are not the same. The body metabolizes calories differently depending upon which foods they come from.
For instance, the body metabolizes refined carbs quickly. Within minutes after consuming them, the glucose enters your bloodstream causing huge blood sugar and insulin surges. Insulin needs to clear this excess glucose from your bloodstream quickly, so it sends most of it to your fat cells.
By contrast, it takes your body longer to digest protein. In fact, your body uses more calories to digest protein than it does for any other macronutrient. Then, protein has to be converted into amino acids, using more calories. From there it undergoes a couple other processes, which uses still more calories. The bottom line is that it is very difficult for your body to store protein as fat.
So, let’s suppose you consumed 400 calories of refined carbs, and your friend consumed 400 calories of high-quality protein. You both stayed within your calorie limit of, say, 1,500 calories for the day. But you actually gained more fat than your friend, even though your total calorie intake was the same. The quality of the calories consumed, as many studies clearly show, is way more important than the quantity of calories.

About the Calorie-Deficit Theory of Weight Loss
Another reason all those diets failed you is that they are based on the calorie-deficit theory of weight loss, treating the metabolism like a scale. This theory says if you create a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories than your body needs or exercising it off, you’ll force your body into a weight loss mode.
The problem is that the metabolism is not like a scale; it is like a thermostat. The biological feedback system that establishes your setpoint is like the thermostat in your home. It works like this. Your brain, your digestive system, and your hormones talk to each other to coordinate the activities that keep your body fat at a specified level (setpoint weight).
Just like the heating and air conditioning system in your home that adjusts the temperature based on whatever the thermostat “thinks” it should be at, your setpoint suppresses or stimulates your appetite or raises or lowers your metabolism in response to how much fat it “thinks” you should store.
Why Starvation Dieting Doesn’t Work
Your setpoint ensures you will never be too fat or too thin. But certain dietary and lifestyle practices, as well as hormonal changes, can dysregulate the hormones. They cannot send or receive correct signals. Your body doesn’t know how much fat you need, so it gives you more fat by default. It does this because having a sufficient level of body fat is essential for your health and ultimate survival. This body fat protects you from starvation.
If you try to cut calories while eating the same low-quality foods, the body sees this as starvation. It activates hormones to make you hungry, cold, tired, cranky. It sends most of the calories you consume to your fat stores and suspends fat burning. Within a few days or weeks of starvation dieting, it slows your metabolism and increases your hunger. All of this is designed to keep your weight within 15-20 pounds of your setpoint.
If it has always seemed like your body fought your weight loss efforts, that’s because it was. Your body was not trying to be your enemy. It was trying to save your life. You can never achieve permanent weight loss with starvation dieting. Lowering your setpoint is the only way to keep weight off.
Factors that Elevate Setpoint and Prevent Weight Loss
Though everything you do affects your setpoint, there are three main factors that elevate it: poor-quality diet, stress, and sleep deprivation.
Poor-Quality Diet
Regularly eating a poor-quality diet has been proven to elevate setpoint. Low-quality foods include refined carbs, sugars, processed fats, fast foods, and heavily processed foods. Successfully lowering your setpoint depends upon replacing these poor-quality foods with higher-quality SANE foods.
Stress is a daily feature of most people’s lives. For many, stress has become chronic. If your goal is weight loss, this is a problem. Stress triggers a release of cortisol that leads to increased levels of belly fat. Chronically elevated cortisol levels also lead to elevated insulin levels because cortisol triggers a release of insulin. Insulin is the fat-storage hormone. Lowering your stress levels are essential for lowering your setpoint for weight loss.
Sleep Deprivation
Not getting enough sleep is a common complaint today. Everybody is burning the candle at both ends. Quality often takes a backseat to all the demanding responsibilities we have. But obtaining regular quality sleep is essential for lowering your setpoint for weight loss. Sleep deprivation disrupts several hormones, leading to weight gain.
Lowering Your Setpoint: Simple Methods that Make Weight Loss a Breeze
Here are a few simple methods that make lowering your setpoint for weight loss a breeze.
Improve Quality of Diet
Improving the quality of your diet is easy, and you don’t have to do it all at once. Simply make a few changes at a time. Here are two small changes that will make a big difference in lowering your setpoint for weight loss:
- Significantly increase consumption of non-starchy vegetables. These foods create bulk in your stomach, filling you up fast and keeping you full for a long time. They also provide plenty of nutrition for your cells.
- Increase consumption of whole foods. This means choosing foods as close to their natural states as possible.
Follow the SANE Diet
The SANE diet includes foods scientifically proven to heal hormones, thus lowering your setpoint. These foods also eliminate your sugar/carb cravings and trigger a release of fat-burning hormones.
This diet is also easy to remember. There are just 4 food groups. Please enjoy foods from the first 3 food groups at every main meal.
Non-Starchy Vegetables
10+ servings
Examples include:
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Eggplant
- Kale
- Onions
- Spinach
Nutrient-Dense Proteins
3-5 servings per day, 30-50 grams per meal
Examples include:
- Chicken
- Cottage Cheese
- Egg Whites
- Grass-Fed Beef
- Nonfat Greek Yogurt
- Salmon
Whole-Food Fats
3-6 servings per day
Examples include:
- Avocado
- Cocoa/Cacao
- Coconut
- Flax Seeds
- Macadamias
- Olives
Low-Fructose Fruits
0-3 servings per day
Examples include:
- Acai Berries
- Blueberries
- Grapefruit
- Lemons
- Oranges
- Strawberries
Reduce Stress to Achieve Weight Loss
There are many ways to reduce stress. Generally, any activity you love doing — even if it may seem like work to others — will relieve stress. The challenge is finding time to de-stress every day. Here are some stress relievers you might like to try.
- Breathing Exercises
- Doing something nice for a stranger
- Laughing with Friends
- Meditation
- Making Love
- Playing fetch with your dog
- TaiChi
- Taking a midday stroll
- Taking in a romantic movie
- Yoga
Lowering Your Setpoint with Quality Sleep
There are also many ways to improve your quality of sleep. If you have trouble getting enough shut-eye — or if your sleep is frequently interrupted — here are a few ideas to try.
- Go to bed at the same time every night and arise at the same time every morning — even on weekends.
- Turn off your smartphone, tablet, and other devices an hour before bedtime. The light from the screens inhibits melatonin production.
- Darken your bedroom. Any light in your bedroom, even the light from your digital alarm, can interfere with melatonin production. Try covering your digital alarm clock. Hang heavy drapes on your bedroom windows. If you cannot make your bedroom totally dark, purchase a good sleep mask.
- Avoid drinking or eating anything a few hours before bedtime. Certain foods can cause indigestion and heartburn, interrupting your sleep.
- Exercise during the day, as this makes your more tired at night. But avoid strenuous exercise in the evening, as this can over-stimulate you, keeping you awake. Exercise like gentle yoga or Tai Chi is relaxing, however, and can help you get a good night’s night’s sleep.
- Meditate 15-20 minutes before bedtime. This calms your mind and body, preparing you for sleep.
Next Step: Know the Simple Method for Lowering Your Setpoint for Weight Loss with the SANE
Ready to finally break free from the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster by balancing your hormones and lowering your body’s setpoint weight?
Want to know the exact foods and serving sizes that are scientifically proven by over 1,300 peer-reviewed research studies to boost metabolism, burn fat and enjoy virtually effortless weight loss like a naturally thin person?
Download the free SANE metabolism boosting food list, cheat sheet and “Eat More, Burn More” weight loss program by .
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